Month: March 2006
Aussie Communist "Peace" Activists Honoured
From the Communist Party of Australia’s “The Guardian” 29 March, 2006 Communist Party of Australia President Hannah Middleton and Central Committee member Denis Doherty have…
Bring Back "Patterns Based Evidence"
This is an issue that has long bugged me. I have no legal training so I’d appreciate any comments from lawyers or law students who…
Maoists on the March in India
Excerpts from a Reuters article By Simon Denyer 30.3.06 Rattled by a wave of Maoist attacks that have left hundreds dead, officials from 13 Indian…
How I Discovered Liberty
I attended Rangiora High School from 1971 to 1975. In 1972 I was over the moon when the Kirk Labour government came to power. By…
Venezuela and Vietnam Strengthen Ties
From Green Left WeeklySocialist Vietnam and Venezuela, led by socialist President Hugo Chavez, have agreed to build a “strategic relationship” and to bring their economic…
Why Can’t We Be Friends?
Expat ACT Goddess, Cathy Odgers has done an interesting guest post on Clint Heine’s Blog. Like most of us she wants Sir Roger Douglas and…
Peter Harris on Robert Mugabe
After returning from working in an economic commission in Zimbabwe, Peter Harris was interviewed by the Public Service Association Journal of September 1980. He had…
How "Left" is Peter Harris? Does it Matter?
Peter Harris, the “left wing” half of the Harris/Hooten team canned from Radio NZ is an interesting character. The Listener of 14.4.01 described him as…
Radio NZ or Radio Labour?
David Farrar’s Kiwiblog reported yesterday that Radio NZ has canned its only anti Government voice. This was the nine to noon politics segment with Matthew…
My Best Ever Threat
As Pete Lusk will tell you, “on the edge” political activism often invites anonymous threats. I’ve had a few over the years, but by far…
Red Green Turns Yellow
According to the Dom Post of March 25th, West Coast Greenie, Peter Lusk is chucking in his spokesmanship of two groups because of threats and…
Humble Apology Time
Pip posted this on David Farrar’s Blog yesterday I am interested that the VP of ACT doesn’t think expropriating someone else’s property is any kind…
ACT Backs Flat Tax
Excellent!!!!! From a Dom Post report on Rodney Hide’s speech to the weekend’s ACT conference. ACT would press for a flat 15 per cent tax…
Dump This Dodgy Deal Mayor Moore.
So far, Cristcthurch City Council’s plan to sell a part share in the Lyttelton Port Company to a subsidiary Hutchison-Whampoa has not gone smoothly. So…
Opposition to Lyttelton Port Deal Growing
From Alliance Party member, Joe Hendren’s Blog The Keep Our Port Public coalition (KOPP) is holding a public meeting in Christchurch opposing the sale of…
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