Category: Socialist Opinion Shapers
Dear General Mattis And The Other Flag Officers
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code General Mattis, your op-ed in the Atlantic was repugnant. Let’s review what you purposely overlooked, shall we? Know your Terrain…
Clean Up The Drug Crazed Communist Street Rabble
By: Cliff Kincaid Such notables as Drew Brees and General Mad Dog Mattis sold out to the mob this week. Meanwhile, a 16-year-old girl, Ala’junaye…
We’re Being Played: BLM “Good Cop” vs. ANTIFA “Bad Cop”
By: Thomas C. Wigand Cross-posted with FOTM One need not be a cynic to observe that media-propelled street demonstrations over the killing of a Black…
This Black American Deems Floyd Protests Unnecessary
By: Lloyd Marcus As a black American, Democrats and fake news media demand that I agree with the George Floyd protests. I say the protests…
China Buying Private Schools In America
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code The death of knowledge and the death of outrage… exactly who in government approves these transactions? *** In December 2017,…
The Bible Won’t Save Us, Only Brute Force Will
By: Cliff Kincaid President Trump emerged from his White House bunker on Monday night to give a short speech and then travel to a burned-out…
George Floyd, Riots, Soros, Ferguson 2.0, Here We Go Again
By: Jason Brown | Gulag Bound I have been taking in all of the news the last few days and I have been able to come…
Exploiting George Floyd’s Death
By: Lloyd Marcus 99.9% of our American family is saddened and outraged over the wrongful death of George Floyd. We want the responsible police officer…
Maoist “Rebellions” In America Inspired By China?
By: Cliff Kincaid As patriotic Americans salute our astronauts, in space through a public-private partnership of NASA and SpaceX, we are dismayed by the seeming…
Sanction China By Stopping World Bank Loans To CCP
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Decoupling the United States from China is a convoluted and complicated process. Some lawmakers make it sound easy and say…
Kissinger’s “Red China Gambit” Is Killing America
By: Cliff Kincaid Journalist Mike Allen’s father, Gary Allen, wrote the great book, Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State, describing how Henry Kissinger’s…
What’s Wrong with These Pictures, Our Facebook Censor?
By: Arlen Williams | Gulag Bound Roughly three years ago, Facebook utterly banned and “disappeared,” the page there for Gulag Bound’s cousin, the site, Noisy Room, run by…
Don’t Worry Over Military-Imposed Vaccinations Just Yet; Be Very Concerned About Communist China
By: Arlen Williams | Gulag Bound “We’re mobilizing our military, and other forces, but we’re mobilizing our military on the basis that we do have a…
Trump Halts Federal Retirement Accounts Investing In China
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code In February of 2020, this site published an article describing the California Public Pension Fund’s investment in Chinese stocks that could lead…
When The Roads Closed In Wuhan Last October
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code This is what global intelligence agencies are searching for… answers. It was determined that the roads around the Wuhan Laboratory…
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