Category: Headline
Jerry Corsi Reviews “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress”
Prominent investigative author Jerry Corsi has reviewed my new book The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress. From World Net Daily…
“Analyst Says Anti-NSA Campaign Benefits America’s Enemies”
By Cliff Kincaid From Accuracy in Media Trevor Loudon, the author of a new book on socialist penetration of the Democratic party and the U.S….
Loudon US Tour Update: Colorado Events
Trevor Loudon Fall 2013 US tour starts in Colorado!!! New Zealand writer/blogger/researcher Trevor Loudon will be touring the United States with his new book: “The…
R.I.P. Marina Kalashnikova – May Your Memory be Honored
Has the criminal Russian state claimed another victim? Marina Kalashnikova died two days ago in Moscow of cancer. Both she and her husband Victor were…
Exclusive, Must Read!!! Part 4: Former KGB Colonel Victor Kalashnikov on the Snowden Affair, Russian Penetration of Western Countries, and the Secret History of the Second World War
By: J.R. Nyquist In Part 3 of this series former KGB analyst Victor Kalashnikov criticized the West’s academic experts on Russia. He said that these…
KeyWiki Needs You!!!
KeyWiki needs YOU!!! From a recent donor: Please let me say that I believe in this ( absolute best endeavor to date of exposing politicians…
Trevor Loudon in Colorado – New Dates for US Tour
strong>Loudon tour starts in Colorado!!! New Zealand writer/blogger/researcher Trevor Loudon will be touring the United States with his new book “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists…
SEIU Marxists Try to Scam GOP Over Immigration – “Amnesty” Activists Getting Desperate
The Marxist led union at the heart of the illegal immigrant amnesty campaign SEIU, is trying to scam Republican Congressmen into voting their way. The…
Japanese Communism on the Rise – Tokyo to Re-Arm
Japan’s huge Communist Party is on the rise again and stands to become the effective opposition to new conservative Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s attempts to…
Communists Push “Immigration Reform” – Only the Tea Party Can Stop Them
Though the Communist Party USA is way smaller than the Tea Party movement, they have the unions in their pocket and are focused and disciplined….
KeyWiki Needs You!
KeyWiki needs YOU!!!From a recent donor Please let me say that I believe in this ( absolute best endeavor to date of exposing politicians in…
Cuban Official: Snowden Revelations May Lead to Neutering of US Intelligence Services
A senior servant of Cuba’s communist regime has commented on the NSA leaks/Snowden case. Professor Carlos Alzugaray Treto believes that Edward Snowden‘s revelations may lead to…
Bennie Thompson: Mississippi’s Pro-Communist Congressman – Book Teaser
Did you know that Congressman Bennie Thompson, of Mississippi’s 2nd District, is at least a communist sympathizer? In November 1979, Marxists from the Democratic Socialist…
Larry Grathwohl: May You Be Remembered for Your Heroism
I just learned this morning that my friend and colleague Larry Grathwohl has passed away at home. At 67 Larry was a comparatively young man….
“Enemies Within” Teaser: Tammy and the Terrorists
Wisconsin’s brand new Senator Tammy Baldwin, has been a long time supporter of a Madison based network, which works in support of an ultra-violent Latin American Marxist/terrorist…
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