Category: Headline
Wayne Madsen: Leftist Spin Merchant and “Red Diaper Baby”
Investigative “journalist” Wayne Madsen is one of the most prolific purveyors of anti-American “literature” currently operating in the US. Madsen is one of the main…
Russian-backed Propaganda Networks Claim Obama is a CIA Agent
Certain elements associated with Russian propaganda channel Russia Today have been spreading the idea that Barack Obama has long been a tool of the C.I.A….
Red Reps 12: Babette Josephs, Philly’s Socialist Democrat
Red Reps 11 here. First elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1984, Babette Josephs represents the 182nd Legislative District, which encompasses Center City…
China Cosies up to Iran
While the US has quite correctly treated Iran as an enemy, it has quite incorrectly treated China as a friend. In my view, both Iran…
Must Read! Matthew Vadum’s “Subversion Inc.”
Investigative journalist Matthew Vadum’s “Subversion Inc. How Obama’s Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers,” is a must read for any citizen…
Assistance Requested
Every now and then, I appeal for some financial assistance. I will be traveling to the US around October, on an extended research/meetings trip. I…
Communists Hailed, Helped Obama’s 2004 Senate Primary Victory
The Communist Party USA helped their “friend” Barack Obama win his 2004 US Senate primary race and hailed the result as a “victory for independent,…
Judith LeBlanc: Top US “Peace” Activist and Communist Leader
The US “peace movement” can take at least part of the credit for the Obama Administration’s proposed cuts in defense spending. For years the movement…
Center Urges Rejection of Proposed $700 Billion in Defense Cuts
This is is what its all about folks. This has always been the big goal of the US left. Its all been leading up…
Appearance of Democracy: Cover for a More Aggressive Russia
This excellent piece is written by Lauren Goodrich of Stratfor. Very few have such a good grasp on the way the Kremlin thinks and operates,…
Federal Complaint Filed Against Russia Today!
America’s Survival, Inc. has filed a complaint over Russia Today Television network (RTTV) with the U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC). The complaint states that RTTV…
Ed Asner: Socialist Promotes “9/11 Was an Inside Job” Disinformation
The far left Institute for Policy Studies, Democratic Socialists of America, Russia Today and Libya’s Mathaba news agency and Van Jones have all been major…
Matt Taibbi: Bachmann Hitpiece Author Received Socialist Award
On June 22, Rolling Stone magazine published a widely circulated attack on the character of Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, by journalist Matt Taibbi. The…
Russia Today Responds to Kincaid, Loudon Criticism
Moscow propaganda channel Russia Today, attempts to counter criticism from Cliff Kincaid, “yours truly” and others. In a “Statement by Konstantin Preobrazhensky, former Soviet KGB…
Key Socialist Fears “White Working Class” Could Defeat Obama
Prominent election expert Ruy Teixeira, a Senior Fellow at the George Soros funded Center for American Progress Action Fund, fears that America’s “White Working Class”…
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