By: Cliff Kincaid
What I find interesting about the spurt of Jeffrey Epstein shows and programs over the last few weeks is the failure to expose his high-level connections in really high society. We learn some old news, such as that Bill Clinton and Donald J. Trump were once considered his friends. But holding Clinton responsible for his associations with Epstein may not be possible anymore, with Epstein six feet under and the FBI unwilling or unable to question his associates.
President Trump was once seen palling around with Epstein but then kicked him out of his exclusive Mar-a-Lago club when he was told Epstein was hitting on young girls. Trump knew when and where to draw the line.
We can’t say the same about 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Joseph R. Biden, Jr., an accused rapist, female hair-sniffer, and admitted plagiarist who is famous for boasting at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meeting in 2018 about withholding aid to Ukraine to force the firing of a prosecutor. This open display of corruption in foreign policy was not a big deal for the CFR, as many laughed in approval at the story. It was business as usual.
Before we get into Epstein’s high-level connections, through such institutions as the CFR, let’s give currency speculator and hedge fund operator George Soros the benefit of the doubt. I have not found any direct evidence that Soros, a CFR member, was in any way associated with Epstein. Instead, his hedge fund subsidizes the CFR and provides the philosophical foundation for the protests, such as by underwriting Critical Resistance, which was founded by communist Angela Davis to abolish prisons. Davis was a prominent Communist Party USA member. That’s doesn’t bother Soros.
The goal is to abolish the prisons and then defund the police so they can’t arrest the criminals. It illustrates the desire of some people with enormous money and influence to destabilize our society. They want to control us, but they don’t want to be controlled – or exposed. One has to be amazed at the hysteria gripping the country, including Rush Limbaugh, over alleged police racism. The way things are going, the July 4th holiday will be transformed into a national day of mourning.
I submit the elites have something to hide, and this may be a factor in Jeffrey Epstein’s demise and the failure by the media to explore his high-level contacts. His victims describe how their sexual encounters with the rich and famous were taped for blackmail purposes. Do the Russians and the Chinese have those tapes?
Soros mouthpiece Michael Vachon sent an email the other day entitled, “Soros Does Not Pay Protesters,” complaining about conservatives using Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms “to spread the now familiar and thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory that George Soros and the Open Society Foundations are paying people to protest, in this case over the murder of George Floyd.”
I have not seen any direct evidence of Soros paying protesters. That part may be true but irrelevant. The other part of the story is far more important. Soros, an atheist, is a major funder of the Democratic Party, and much of Soros’s wealth has been put into causes such as abortion rights, gay rights, drug legalization, voting rights for felons, euthanasia and rights for immigrants and prostitutes.
In other words, Soros doesn’t need to directly fund the protests; he finances the groups providing the protesters.
What’s far more significant is the motivation. Rachel Ehrenfeld of the American Center for Democracy described it this way: “Pretending to support an ‘open society,’ Soros uses his philanthropy to ‘change’ or more accurately deconstruct the moral values and attitudes of the Western world, and particularly of the American people.” That helps explain why one of my own family members could show up at a protest with a sign saying, “Jesus Died For Black Lives.” She doesn’t understand what Black Lives Matters is all about. The Black Lives Matter group honors the communist terrorist Assata Shakur, who fled to Communist Cuba after killing a New Jersey cop. This betrays their real agenda – slavery for blacks and whites.
Now the question becomes why someone who finances the Marxist destruction of our society should also be a member of a high-class organization such as the Council on Foreign Relations, which also counted Jeffrey Epstein among its prominent members. One answer is that it diverts the attention away from the immorality and rot and corruption in the establishment itself.
Billionaire Bill Gates, the main cog in the coronavirus scare, which has suddenly faded from view, is not listed as a CFR member in the current membership roster. But his wife gave a speech to the organization in 2008 and his foundation has contributed to a CFR “Global Health and Foreign Policy” project. He was a close friend of Epstein and issued a statement trying to excuse that association.
An interesting analysis of what is happening in America can be found in the letter to Trump from former U.S. Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Viganò, who said, “It will not be surprising if, in a few months, we learn once again that hidden behind these acts of vandalism and violence there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom…” That has to be the case, since the drug-addled career criminal George Floyd is not worthy of all this attention, as black conservative Candace Owens has so eloquently noted.
There are conspiracies in the world, some of them operating quite openly, such as international communism. I am a signatory to the “Appeal for Nuremberg Trials for Communism,” designed to hold the communists accountable for killing 100 million people. Part of the appeal states, “Communism did not fall with the Berlin Wall. This ideology is still alive in the world, in states and parties that are openly communist and in political and cultural thought that minimizes and tries to erase the crimes of communism as if it were a good idea which only happened to coincide with the rise of one brutal regime after another across decades and continents.”
We know that one of the leading lights of the CFR, Alger Hiss, turned out to be a Soviet agent who co-founded the United Nations and worked at the side of President Franklin Roosevelt.
Why is an organization like the CFR still in business? Why would someone like Soros join such an organization? Why would Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates do so? The answer has to be that it is considered a headquarters for those who are running the show but who may have a lot to hide themselves. Since many in the media belong to it, the public is kept in the dark about what happens behind closed doors in the members-only meetings.
Trump was never a member of this club, the CFR, but he may have incriminating information about various members, stemming from the time when he knew Epstein and had commented publicly about Epstein’s attraction to young girls. He has a megaphone, Twitter, now reaching over 81.9 million people. This is why Trump’s Tweets are now being carefully scrutinized and even censored. He knows a lot more than he is telling.
Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org.
Cliff Kincaid. What do you want President Trump to do about what is going on in individual states? Stated that have their own government run by their Governor and state congress who would call him a dictator? Thank you Paula