By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
One of my favorite people and authors is Linda Goudsmit. She has a new book out entitled: The Book Of Humanitarian Hoaxes. The book is comprised of a series of 50 articles published on her blog over the last three years. It’s a terrific read and I highly recommend it. NoisyRoom is always thrilled to publish her posts when they come out — they are just that good.
Here is the summary of the book from
The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, exposes fifty of the most sinister leftist, Islamist, globalist interconnecting attacks on America deceitfully disguised as altruism. Goudsmit’s warning is designed to ensure an informed American electorate in advance of the pivotal 2020 presidential election. The Book is a powerful éxpose of the deceptive policies and practices of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attempting to destroy America from within. Goudsmit’s unique talent is deciphering the many political hoaxes being played on us by those who present themselves as our advocates but who are, in fact, America’s enemies. This remarkable book tells us the many ways in which we’ve been had–but don’t know it. The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, describes the corrupt underbelly of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attacking America, American democracy, and America-first President Donald J. Trump. Written in her signature conversational style, each hoax chapter unmasks a distinct and destructive axis policy deceitfully presented to an unsuspecting public as humanitarian. Americans do not like being duped. Linda Goudsmit is the consummate truth-teller in an era of profound political deceit. The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’ should be compulsory reading in advance of the crucial 2020 U.S. presidential election.
American voters would do well to heed Linda’s advice concerning the upcoming presidential election. The Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis (more commonly known as the Red/Green axis) is the biggest threat to America’s survival out there. It has become a standing joke that what the left accuses the right of, they themselves are guilty of. All the dishonest and criminal deflection from the left is coordinated, planned, and meant to rip this country apart. And they are having some success in that endeavor currently. Under the guise of being ‘humanitarian’, the left is instead itching to stomp on the Constitution and burn it all down so they can remake America in their own Marxist image. They disguise manipulation as ‘kindness’… it’s a deadly trap.
Linda’s writing cuts to the heart of the duplicity of globalists and how they in reality want to implement a one-world government. That’s been the game played for decades now if not longer. Much of this has been pushed and promoted by Obama and Biden… two men who are far more evil than just about anyone out there will admit. Obama schemed to take out Trump before he ever left office and his machinations can be seen in the protests unfolding now as well as the witch hunt against President Trump. Obama is the head of the snake for the Deep State. He covered his tracks well and has left others to take the blame over the soft coup attempted against Trump. Obama orchestrated it and he’s still hatching plots against the President all the while getting wealthier and more powerful by the day.
From The Post & Email’s interview with Linda Goudsmit:
“He knows what he’s doing. My personal feeling about Donald Trump is he came to office because he loves this country, and he wanted to run the country as a profitable family business — the American family business. I don’t think ever in a million years he dreamed of how the depth and the breadth of the Washington swamp were against him. I don’t think his civilized mind could absorb that, although it does now. Think about who he had around him in the beginning; he had to get rid of Tillerson, McMaster — they were all globalists. Look at Pelosi and Feinstein, the Chinese…my husband calls what is happening now with the COVID19 disinformation campaign ‘globalist Armageddon.’ They really, really want to remove Trump from office and put in one of their globalist puppets like Biden.”
If Trump is re-elected, she opined, “the entire infrastructure of the Deep State is going to be dismantled. We’re going to see a huge change in this country. Then he could really clean house,” which she envisions could include a full overhaul of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), current and former high-ranking FBI officials, and other former federal officials, of whom she said, “I wonder who is going to be the one to turn on Obama.”
“I think most Americans have no idea of the level of corruption or danger that they’re in in terms of their freedom,” Goudsmit said. “The big lie is, ‘Everything is going to be great with socialism.’ If their critical-thinking skills hadn’t been pounded out of them in school, all they would have to do is look at any other country in the world where it’s been tried.”
Linda is right… most Americans have no idea how deep and widespread the corruption actually is. If they did, there would be a massive revolt over it. Socialism/Marxism/Communism/Islamism is poison to our Republic. Read her book — it is an eye-opener and your primer for the 2020 election. You can pick up a copy at Amazon. In my opinion, it’s one of the best books of 2020.