By: Denise Simon | Founders Code
Primer: Crossfire Razor = LTG Flynn investigation, launched July 2016, cleared in January 2017… calls with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak included the call in question which was December 29, 2016. There were clearly requests prior to Samantha Power, it is unclear yet by whom and what those results were. We are told there will be more releases.
Crossfire Typhoon = George Papadopoulos
Crossfire Hurricane = Full FBI investigation operation
* The list below is hardly a full list of unmasking requests during the late part of the Obama presidency. This report was released by Senator Grassley. For example, Susan Rice is not listed. The below documents are for a specific time-frame. Note the requests prior to the main phone call that has raised the ire of the Democrats. For additional reference, LTG Flynn had the official job as National Security Advisor to President Trump from January 23, 2017, to February 13, 2017.
Other designations listed below are as follows:
DOE in Briefer is the Department of Energy (nuclear weapons division)
COS can be both Chief of Staff or Chief of Station (CIA)
CMO is the Collection Management Officer
DCOS is Deputy Chief of Station
CMO is Chief of Missions Officer (Reports Officer)
CIA/CTMC Counter-Terrorism Military Coordinator
* Samantha Power: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, married to Cass Sunstein who was the Information and Regulatory Czar for President Obama.
* James Clapper: Former Director of National Intelligence, previously served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the same one that LTG Flynn was Director of at the time he was fired by the Obama administration.
* Kelly Degnan, previous Deputy Chief of Mission to Italy, San Marino and was nominated by President Trump to be Ambassador to Georgia and she speaks 5 languages.
* John R. Phillips, Former Ambassador to Italy and San Marino, and presently a lawyer at the whistleblower law firm of Phillips and Cohen. His wife is Linda Douglas and is head of communications for Bloomberg in WDC.
* John Brennan, Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, previously was the Assistant to Obama for Homeland Security. (He was at the CIA when he set up the system that spied on Senate staffers working for Senator Feinstein doing work on the torture report.)
* Patrick Conlon, Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the Treasury Department, formerly 19 years at CIA.
* Jacob Lew, Secretary of Treasury until 2017.
* Arthur Danny McGlynn, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.
* Mike Neufeld, Deputy Assistant Secretary U.S. Treasury.
* Sarah Raskin, Lawyer, formerly on the Board of the Federal Reserve and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, married to Jamie Raskin of the 8th District of Maryland, U.S. House of Representatives.
* Nathan Sheets, Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs.
* Adam Szubin, Under Secretary of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence at U.S. Treasury.
* Robert Bell, Civilian Representative of the Secretary of Defense in Europe and Advisor to U.S Ambassador to NATO.
* VDAM John Christenson, U.S. Military Representative to NATO Military Committee in Brussels.
* James Comey, Former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
* LTC Paul Geehreng, Defense Policy Advisor to US Mission NATO, policy advisor on Russia.
* Douglas Lute, US Permanent Representative to NATO married to Jane Holl, currently serving as UN Special Envoy to Cyprus, former Deputy Secretary of Department of Homeland Security.
* James Hursh, Acting Secretary of Defense in Europe and Acting Defense Advisor to US Mission NATO.
* Scott Parrish, U.S. State Department, Political Officer, NATO.
* Elizabeth Sherwood Randall, US Deputy Secretary of Energy, previously White House Coordinator for Defense Policy, brother is President of ABC Disney Group and ABC News.
* Tamir Waser, NATO Operations Officer, London.
* John F. Tefft, U.S. Ambassador to Russia, career Foreign Service Officer.
* Ambassador John R. Bass, Turkey, former Ambassador to Georgia. Former Chief of Staff and Policy Advisor to Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott.
* Denis McDonough, Former White House Chief of Staff for President Obama, former Senior Fellow at Center for America Progress.
* Michael Dempsey, Former Acting Director of National Intelligence for January to March of 2017, formerly with the CIA as a WINPAC Expert.
* Stephanie O’Sullivan, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, a former senior leader at the CIA.
* Joseph Biden, Former Vice President for President Obama and attended the January 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting in question that included President Obama, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, and James Comey.
During routine, legal surveillance of foreign targets, names of Americans occasionally come up in conversations. Foreigners could be talking about a U.S. citizen or a U.S. permanent resident by name, or a foreigner could be speaking directly to an American. When an American’s name is swept up in the surveillance of foreigners, it is called “incidental collection.” In these cases, the name of the American is masked before the intelligence is distributed to administration officials to avoid invading that person’s privacy.
Unless there is a clear intelligence value to knowing the American’s name, it is not revealed in the reports. The intelligence report would refer to the person only as “U.S. Person 1” or U.S. Person 2.” If U.S. officials with proper clearance to review the report want to know the identity, they can ask the agency that collected the information — perhaps the FBI, CIA, or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.
The request is not automatically granted. The person asking has to have a good reason. Typically, the reason is that not knowing the name makes it impossible to fully understand the intelligence provided.
The name is released only if the official requesting it has a need to know and the “identity is necessary to understand foreign intelligence information or assess its importance,” according to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s latest report, which includes statistics on unmasking. “Additional approval by a designated NSA official is also required.”
Former NSA Director Mike Rogers has said that only 20 of his employees could approve an unmasking. The names are shared only with the specific official who asked. They are not released publicly. Leaking a name, or any classified information is illegal.
The number of unmasking requests began being released to the public in response to recommendations in 2014 from the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.
There were 9,217 unmasking requests in the 12-month period between September 2015 and August 2016, the first period in which numbers are publicly available. The period was during the latter years of the Obama administration.
The number rose during the Trump administration. The 9,529 requests in 2017 grew to 16,721 in 2018 and 10,012 last year. More here.