By: Cliff Kincaid
In regard to the illegal Invasion by criminal traffickers and child abusers from the narco-state of Mexico, Senator Tom Cotton had noted that the liberals were promoting a “solution” to “family separation” that should be called the Child Trafficking Encouragement Act. He said the liberals want criminals to know that if they show up at the border with a minor and claim to be its parent, they get released into the U.S. He added, “The children will be abducted & sold to drug cartels & slave-traders as a free ticket into U.S.”
Cotton, a supporter of President Trump on immigration, was absolutely right. So why did President Trump change his position about illegal border crossings?
The answer lies in a message sent by top Republican Rep. Steve Scalise to his supporters. It is headlined “Obama’s Third Term” and declares, “Obama is back, and he’s trying to take over. He set up permanent shop in Washington, DC. He’s behind a Congressional redistricting scheme to erase Conservatives from the map. He’s having secret meetings with potential Trump challengers.”
This is called “Permanent Revolution,” and it’s the main title of our forthcoming book about Barack Hussein Obama. Permanent revolution is a Marxist concept and revolutionary strategy that applies to “the modern era.” The only way to bring down a modern capitalist state like America is by orchestrating conflict and the disintegration of society. That’s accomplished through invasion and/or subversion.
Rep. Scalise went on to say, “It’s an American tradition that when a President steps down, he stops clinging to power. But Obama isn’t doing that. His election interference is completely unprecedented – and each new scheme is worse than the last. Obama wants to be the man behind the curtains, hand-selecting the next Liberal President and pulling their strings.”
The latest “scheme” was the well-orchestrated defeat of Trump’s hardline stance on illegal border crossings. Obama smells blood. His forces on the left and in the media are mobilized and ready to take Congress this November. Then impeachment is on the table.
Of course, Obama never had any intention of going away. Scalise made the common conservative mistake of thinking that Obama was just a liberal who respected American institutions. His Marxist “fundamental transformation” of America is not over. That’s why we have already published Comrade Obama Unmasked and Red Star Rising.
Analyst and author Trevor Loudon calls the political nature of these changes the “Rainbow conspiracy” and cites the Brown is the New White book by Obama confidant Steve Phillips. They take the concept of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition and create a new American majority fusing communists, progressive whites, gays, transgenders, minorities, Islamists and illegal immigrants. Hence, borders must remain open.
In addition to the various political components of the Rainbow Coalition, there are now literally millions of people who have embraced the New Age ideas of mysticism, atheism, and humanism. They follow Oprah and attend “metaphysical” churches and play with Ouija boards. Many smoke dope and go to “New Age” festivals and join cults.
Clearly, many are products of the Marxist Madrassas, also known as colleges and universities. But many in fact are using mind-altering drugs and hallucinogens. If you doubt any of this, read the left-wing outlet called AlterNet and think about the significance of its constant promotion of drugs such as LSD. So-called “medical marijuana” is old hat to them. These are a few of the actual headlines from articles on the popular left-wing site:
- Using Psychedelics Shouldn’t Be a Crime
- Want to Cut Crime? Hand Out Psychedelics
- Now That Weed Is Legal, California Politicians Have a New Drug in Mind for Decriminalization
- LSD Has Wondrous Uses We Haven’t Even Begun to Tap
- Can Microdosing Psychedelic Drugs Help Boost Mood And Creativity?
This isn’t just on the fringe. A recent edition of Oprah’s magazine recommended marijuana as the “new Merlot” and advised mothers as to how they can use and distribute the drug without getting caught. But the high potency marijuana being grown in California and Colorado and shipped across the United States can not only cause mental illness but birth defects, low birth weights for babies, more emergency room visits, violence, and an increasing number of school problems. Cases of “scromiting,” or screaming while vomiting, have been linked to marijuana use.
Conservatives can win if they remain resolute and stand firm. In Colombia, the slogan was, “Vote so that Colombia does not become another Venezuela.” New President Ivan Duque rejects the “peace deal” his predecessor made with the communist narco-traffickers known as the FARC. Brazil is waking up as well after suffering through two Marxist presidents and a mammoth corruption scandal. Meanwhile, conservative political leaders in a dying Europe are trying to save their Christian heritage from radical Islam and George Soros.
In America that means holding the line on illegal immigration and pushing back against the madness of the drug legalization movement that Obama and his billionaire backer George Soros have been promoting. Trump’s flip-flop on illegal border crossings is not a good sign.
If we maintain our will to resist, we might just be able to reverse Obama’s “permanent revolution,” making it not so permanent after all. But at this point in time, based on President Trump’s flip-flop on illegal border crossings, it looks like Obama’s third term may begin before Trump is finished with his first. Trump’s political base is shaken to its core and the Obama revolution is back on track. In fact, some fear that Trump may follow Obama friend Justin Trudeau’s lead in Canada and embrace some form of marijuana legalization here in the U.S. That’s reportedly what his son-in-law Jared Kushner is pushing.
Legalization would create even more stoners to vote to carry on the Obama revolution. They would then demand more tax dollars for prevention, treatment and recovery services for those wasted by or addicted to the drug. The liberals would, of course, be more than happy to oblige with another government program.
This is how Obama makes cannon fodder for the revolution, in the form of new “progressive” voters, and expands the power of the state. Heroin injection centers with free needles are the template for Obama’s Brave New World. Many will suffer and die. But the revolution will continue.
The only way to stop this whole thing is for the DOJ to go after Obama, Hillary, Holder, Loretta Lynch, and Comey and put them away for many years. People need to see that they indeed have committed treasonous crimes against the US.