Australian “public intellectual and Professor of Public Ethics” Clive Hamilton explained that Donald Trump is the lesser of two evils for the Republican nominee because Donald Trump “has a history of taking liberal stances on a range of issues,” while Ted Cruz “is a hard-line, Tea-Party style, evangelical warrior who would ruthlessly use the power of the presidency to impose his vision on America.”
Hamilton’s revealing article was first published at the Conversation, and was re-printed at econotimes. Hamilton laments that while Cruz has a “record of fanaticism,” Donald Trump is more of a “dealmaker.”
Hamilton continues:
“Trump’s anger may be real, or more likely it’s part of his shtick, but Cruz is fuelled by the same deep rage that gave birth to the Tea Party.”
In other words, Trump is malleable.
As observed at, Donald Trump was also “the preferred GOP candidate over Ted Cruz by radical left wing figures former President Jimmy Carter (who endorsed Hillary Clinton) and former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich (who endorsed Bernie Sanders):”
- Jimmy Carter said in part that Trump has “proven already that he is completely malleable,” while Cruz would “aggressively” pursue his “[F]ar Right-wing politics.”
- Robert Reich declared that “Trump has no firm principles except making money, getting attention, and gaining power. But Cruz has spent much of his life embracing radical right economic and political views.”
It is not surprising that progressive figures consider Donald Trump as the candidate most likely to uphold their massive government structure. Trump has repeatedly praised big government programs, assured that he will not be cutting government “services” and further, pledged to work with the establishment.
Trump also told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that “getting along” was the “purpose of what the founders created.” Ted Cruz would certainly beg to differ.
Well, the only thing I’d consider Clive Hamilton prominent in is in his and his Fellow Traveler’s own twisted minds. Hamilton and Reich are two interesting cats, aren’t they. Their views on what they perceive humans to be are at once differing yet sickly [sickening?] and dangerously the same. People like them have always been around to plague mankind.
Hamilton seems to be more in the camp of those misanthropic types insomuch as he’s more aligned with the Malthusian freaks like Paul Ehrlich and his ilk who are so morally confused and morally bankrupt they actually discuss such absurd choices of deciding which is better, feeding people or “saving the environment.”
Reich’s view on the other hand tends to view humans as cattle to be used as capital to be used up in every way possible from cradle to grave, which, interestingly enough, considering how long he’s had a hand of influence in government policy for the last 40 years, it is no surprise that we find ourselves at the point today where a newborn’s, upon taking his first breath of air, “equal share” of public debt is over $1,000,000. That Reich has ‘endorsed’ Sanders over Clinton is not only amusing, considering his background, it is ominously telling…He’s not done using the cattle up yet.
That both Hamilton’s and Reich’s views on Trump are so closely aligned is not surprising in the least. Despots and parasites always align themselves with bottom feeders.
Beware of the Dragon; he is using Cruz to bring about a brokered convention. Go for the win!
Anyone paying attention to the details knows Trump is liberal. If elected, Trump would govern exactly like Bill Clinton, mostly left, with a little conservatism sprinkled here and there. However, instead of having that pharmaceutical manufacturing plant somewhere in Africa Clinton blew up with cruise missiles during the Lewinsky trial, we could wake up one morning, as Cruz says, with Denmark being nuked.