Month: April 2016
#CruzCarly For Jobs, Freedom And Security
EXCLUSIVE: Secret Agenda For The 2016 Democratic National Convention Revealed!
Doug Ross @ Journal Cub Reporter Biff Spackle scoops the world with this exclusive, tippity-top secret agenda for the DNC. 2016 Democrat National Convention Schedule…
Trump Promises “Peace In Our Time”
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media David Horowitz has decided to throw in the towel in the presidential contest. The former New Leftist turned…
Will Obamacare Collapse Before Obama Leaves Office?
By: Roger Aronoff | Accuracy in Media Obamacare has turned out to be a massive boondoggle for the American people, despite the media’s consistent attempts…
No, Ted Cruz was not ‘John Boehner’s lawyer’
The media is working hard to convince you that they caught Ted Cruz in a lie about working with John Boehner. But they are the…
Trevor Loudon speaking in Indianapolis this Sunday
Trevor Loudon will be appearing in Indianapolis this weekend on Sunday, May 1st, at 2:30 pm at Restoring Hope Community Church, 4650 W. 62nd St.,…
Ted Cruz Responds To John Boehner FULL Press Conference With Carly Fiorina In Ft. Wayne From NewsMax: On Wednesday, Boehner, during a chat with Stanford University, blasted Cruz as a “miserable son of a b****” and called him “Lucifer…
Trump’s Incoherent, Inconsistent, Russian-Loving Foreign Policy
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Far be it from me to agreed with a Marxist, but CNN’s Fareed Zakaria did a great job listing just…
Ted Cruz Chooses Carly Fiorina
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Yesterday was a big day in the Ted Cruz camp. Cruz tapped Carly Fiorina as his Vice Presidential running mate….
Trump Jumps Into Bed With Putin
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media Donald J. Trump’s foreign policy address was delivered with the aid of a teleprompter and written by his…
Our Watcher’s Council Nominations: Secrets To Hide Edition
The Watcher’s Council Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere and the longest…
Trump: America First, Foreign Policy Presentation
By: Denise Simon | Good for Donald Trump, America should be first when it comes to policy and diplomacy. Applause to the Donald for…
Welcome To The Triggering! Steven Crowder Spanks ‘Social Justice Warriors’ In 5-Minute Reality Check [VIDEO]
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Have I said lately how much I adore Steven Crowder? The guy rocks… and he did not disappoint at the…
Trevor Loudon heartily endorses Brooke McGowan for Oklahoma Senate District 17
Dedicated constitutional conservative Brooke McGowan is known to the gang at for, among her many good works in the fight for liberty, her vocal opposition the inexplicable…
Ted Cruz At The Hoosier Gym | April 26, 2016
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