By: Brent Parrish
The Right Planet
Alger Hiss’ mugshot after his conviction for perjury. Although Alger Hiss was not convicted of being a Soviet spy, due to the Statute of Limitations running out on the original charge, Hiss was still convicted for lying about it.
There was quite a bit of traffic generated from a recent article I wrote titled “What the U.N. Doesn’t Want You to Know,” which covered the dubious origins of the United Nations.
One of the leading forces behind the creation of the United Nations was a Soviet spy.
Enter Alger Hiss:
From Cleon Skousen’s book The Naked Capitalist (p. 47):
There were 74 [Council Foreign Relations (CFR)] members in the American delegation to the U.N. Conference at San Francisco in 1945. They included Alger Hiss (Communist spy), Harry Dexter White (Soviet Agent), Owen Lattimore (described by a Congressional committee as a “conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet international conspiracy”), John J.McCloy (formerly head of the Rockefeller Chase-Manhattan Bank), Harold Stassen, Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles, Philip Jessup and Dean Acheson. These and 38 additional CFR members occupied nearly every significant decision-making spot in the American delegation to the San Francisco conference to set up the United Nations.
Internationally, the CFR is interlocked with the Bilderbergers, the Pugwash Conferences, the English-speaking Union, the Pilgrims Society, and with its secret control-group, the Round Table….
The list of U.N. founders reads like a Who’s Who list of communists and fellow travelers: Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, V. Frank Coe, Dean Acheson, Noel Field, Laurence Duggan, Henry Julian Wadleigh, John Carter Vincent, David Weintraub, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Harold Glasser, Victor Perlo, Irving Kaplan, Abraham George Silverman, Soloman Adler, William L. Ullman, William H. Taylor, etc.
None of these revelations are new. Much of this has been known for quite a while, as this short documentary from 1968 will attest:
Why has this information been repressed by our government and so many in the main-stream media for so long now? Anyone who has tried to expose these links have often times been viciously smeared and vilified by those in the U.S. government and the press.
There’s a couple of books I highly recommend reading if you want to learn more about the degree to which the Soviets and other communists managed to infiltrate some of the highest offices in the land, and other power centers like the media. One book is Blacklisted by History by M. Stanton Evans, which focuses on the congressional investigations conducted by Sen. Joe McCarthy.
Following the declassification of the Venona decrypts in 1995—a collection of secret communications going back and forth between the Kremlin and their operatives in the U.S.—the once secret documents appear to exonerate Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s efforts to expose the subversive activities by many known communists in the U.S. government.
Another book I highly recommend is ex-KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn’s New Lies for Old, which predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1984, several years before the wall between east and west came down. Golitsyn predicted the Soviet Union would change strategies by putting a “happy face” on international communism, and then declare the Cold War officially over.
Consider this: the KGB has not gone anywhere; they simply restructured and changed their name (see FSB); the FSB’s headquarters is still located at the notorious Lubyanka building in Moscow. Since the alleged end of the Soviet Empire, their has been a rise in regional alliances—like the EU, for example. The European Union is just a “pale version of the Soviet Union,” as Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky calls it.
Golitsyn’s book is very compelling read into the disinformation and subversive strategies and tactics the Soviet Union (and modern-day Russia, in my opinion) employ against their enemies, and how the communists always play both sides (see Hegelian strategy), even going so far as to create their own opposition groups.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
— Vladimir Lenin