By: D.A. King
Victims of Illegal Immigration – A Collection of Essays
Hat Tip: Dick Manasseri

Dustin Inman was one of the uncounted thousands of Americans who have needlessly lost their lives because the U.S. government refuses to secure American borders or responsibly enforce immigration and employment laws. Forever sixteen, Dustin was a Georgia youth killed by an illegal alien in a senseless traffic collision on Father’s Day weekend in the year 2000.
On June 16th, the Inman family was on their way to a weekend of fishing in the North Georgia mountains, when an illegal alien snuffed out their American Dream.
In the United States illegally, Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez was able to obtain a valid North Carolina driver’s license using his Mexican birth certificate and a Mexican Matricula Consular ID card. Harrell-Gonzalezs’ speeding vehicle hurtled into the rear of the Inman family’s car while it was stopped at a red light in Ellijay, Georgia, killing Dustin and knocking unconscious Kathy and Billy Inman, his parents.
When Kathy regained consciousness (after five weeks in a coma), she learned of the death of her only son, and that she, because of spinal injuries received in the wreck that killed him, would spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. Billy Inman will tell you that he blames the government, sworn to protect his family, for his son’s death, not only the illegal alien who killed him.
The Inmans have only a few school photos, some family snapshots, and a video made at Dustin’s funeral by which to remember their son.
America’s unsecured borders and lax policies and practices toward illegal immigration have changed their lives forever. The sad story is repeated far too often across the nation.
Billy misses his “hunting buddy” everyday. “I loved Dustin,” says Billy softly. He says that he will not rest until he brings his son’s killer to justice. He will also tell you that he “paid no attention to politics” and had never voted before he lost his son to America’s intentionally unsecured borders.
“The system really let me down,” says Billy.
Charged and indicted in the death of Dustin Inman, Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez is a fugitive after escaping from local police. His whereabouts are unknown.
D. A. King is the president of the Dustin Inman Society, which advocates for secure borders and immigration enforcement.