I am thrilled to announce that tonight Trevor Loudon of New Zeal and KeyWiki will be on the Glenn Beck show on GBTV. 5 pm EST, 2 pm PST.
As you know, Trevor has broken many of the stories on our Progressive leaders here in the states. Van Jones and Leon Panetta are just two of those. He has written an incredible book on Barack Obama and his ties which is the first in a series of books to come. Barack Obama and the Enemies Within is a stunning compilation of Trevor’s research and blog postings. If you ever wanted to know the ties that bind Obama, the Progressives, the Marxists and the radicals, this book is a must.
If you are not on GBTV, sign up. I’m not sure if they are still letting you try it for free, but even if they aren’t, it’s the best source of information you’ll find out there and worth every penny. I get most of my news these days from The Blaze, Beck and Drudge.
On a personal note, I’d just like to mention that I am honored to know Trevor and call him friend. He is the definition of a true patriot and a good person. He is surrounded by wonderful people such as his wife Tracey, his friend and tech Andy Moore and a whole cast of researchers who do this because it is the right thing to do. All of them are like family to me and I could not be more proud of Trevor and the whole team. Trevor has shown more courage and tenacity than anyone I have ever known.
We’ll all be tuned in here today. Don’t miss it! 8)
I saw you in Melbourne Fl spoke to one of the 912 chapter meetings.
Fabulous fountain of knowledge!!!!
Great show! Can’t wait to read your book!
You kicked butt, Trevor!
Great job!