By: Arlen Williams
Gulag Bound
They have strayed sharply off their course of simply adhering to the military personnel’s and law enforcement officers’ oaths to uphold the United States Constitution.
Very sad. If they don’t put the Kool-Aid down and draw back, it appears they will cause a split or perhaps the disintegration of their movement.
Wayseers, if it is what this video represents is just another foolish “mind science” cult (and it is an affront to the revealed truth of “the Way” which Christians uphold even far above the U.S. Constitution). One might see the initial attraction in this, for those who highly regard personal liberty, but to drive that vehicle off the highway and way off the radar screen into some bizarre worship of one’s most eccentric characteristics? Please.
Hardly the beliefs of our nations founders, that.
And if this fails to top it all off, they want to join the Marxist foundation and financier led “Occupy” movement and try to win it over — to what, the Wayseer Cult? Do they not see that these demonstrations are the American part of the orchestrated “democratic uprisings” from the Middle East onward, that are actually elements of a global Marxist-fascist movement?
They must not have been reading in Noisy Room, New Zeal, Maggie’s Notebook, American Survival, or Gulag Bound.
Here is the email sent out by Oath Keepers’ wayward leadership, with the video they promote embedded. Be sure to listen to the video and check out the crescendo of senseless mumbo jumbo. How does it not alienate most Oath Keepers?
Way stupid.
Potentially, tragic.
Oath Keepers And The Wayseers To Occupy The Occupation!
Introducing Garret John LoPorto and the Wayseer movement: Because much more is involved than should be placed in one article, I am going to be uncharacteristically brief. You will hear much more about this shortly.
On October 04, 2011, Stewart Rhodes and I had a phone conversation with Garret John LoPorto, creator of a remarkable video which announces the “Wayseer Manifesto”. Stewart and I had both viewed Garret’s video and were keenly interested in talking with Garret. Garret is sending each of us a copy of his book, The Wayseers. I can’t wait to read it! Please order yours today. Garret LoPorto fulfilled our expectations and we are proud to announce that Oath Keepers endorses Garret’s mission. Mr. LoPorto has graciously agreed to also endorse Oath Keepers. We are pleased to welcome Garret LoPorto to Oath Keepers. We encourage each of you to check out the video, check out Garret’s site, order his book, and spread the message everywhere you can.
Oath Keepers / Wayseers / Occupy The Fed Now!We are currently drawing up our press release regarding our own response to the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon, which will be Oath Keepers’ official statement. Garret LoPorto is the leader of Occupy Boston, and I want to assure all readers here that Mr. LoPorto is not a socialist and does not take financing from Soros or any of Soros’ satellites. Garret LoPorto is an American and an Oath Keeper who joins us in seeking Constitutional, lawful remedies to what ails our nation today. LoPorto’s message is one of self-empowerment, a talent all Oath Keepers should work on daily in their personal lives, yes?
With Garret’s association with Oath Keepers as a key catalyst, we are now planning an official Oath Keepers project which we’ve named “Occupy The Fed Now!”.
Oath Keepers has seen the need to block the attempted takeover of the populist movement generally referred to as Occupy Wall Street.
In an extensive phone conference on the evening of October 04, 2011, we heard from Oath Keepers who have attended Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Boston, Occupy Los Angeles, and Occupy Seattle. The overall consensus from our people at these rallies is that most people attending the rallies are very open-minded to the Oath Keepers mission/message, and that they are hungry for answers. Indeed, our reports indicate that many Americans right now are awakening, in droves it seems, and they are full of questions for which we have the answer – the Constitution for the united States of America.
Oath Keepers is not going to stand idly by and watch the Soros socialist/collectivist/Big Government crowd claim these newly-awakening Americans as their own. From Michael Moore to a host of other Big Government statists, the Soros faction is trying now to steal the people’s thunder, just the way the Republican Party tried to steal the Tea Party’s thunder by co-opting the Tea Party.
II Peter, Chapter 2 refers to the error of one who knows better following this kind of bloviation instead.
This site seems to also be fear based. I would never join a cult and that also includes church as I see how organized religion is also a cult, the religious right has taken ahold of America and filled it with hate for anything that is different or anyone who is different. Churches seem to think they know the way that we should all live and be, and that is so unture. Right Wing Organized Religion in this country is no different than the zealots and terriorts of the middle east, that they so claim to be against. I would not join Wayseers but I see no difference in them and Fundamentalist, I would be very afraid of both.
If you cannot see, it is because you are still trapped in the false Left/Right Paradigm. You are conquered because you are divided. You are a tool to be employed by your master.
Ron Paul 2012
End The Fed
Francis Flandro
Stewart Rhodes I think gave an excellent answer to this notion of Oath Keepers aligning with Wayseers.
Patriotic Mamma is also joining Wayseers. I just can’t believe this is happening.
I watched part of the video until I got sick. How do I take my and other America’s names off their damn list. I do not desire to be associate with them. Thanks Trevor for this heads up. They lost their credibility, you have gained much more in my eyes.