Tag: Marxists
Trevor Loudon Making His Book ‘The Enemies Within’ Into A Movie
Hat Tip: Michael Ralston
Eric Holder’s Violent Radical Black Militance: How Was this Covered-Up?
By: Arlen Williams Gulag Bound In the Daily Caller: As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office Published:…
Allen West Calls Obama’s ‘Forward’ Campaign Slogan “Marxist-Socialist”
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at The Shark Tank…
Weekly Featured Profile – Valerie Jarrett
KeyWiki.org Valerie Jarrett currently works as a senior advisor to U.S. president, Barack Obama, and has been referred to as “the other side of Obama’s…
New Video: The Frank Marshall Davis Story You Haven’t Heard – Until Now
By: James Simpson Right Side News AB Independent Productions, in collaboration with Veteran investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, has released a new video…
“THE UNVETTED” presented by America’s Survival, Inc & AB INDEPENDENT PRODUCTIONS
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Accuracy in Media This film explores how, four years ago, America’s Survival, Inc. unmasked Barack Obama’s communist mentor, Frank Marshall…
Soros-funded Marxists to “Occupy the RNC”
By: Tina Trent Accuracy in Media This is a Special Report from the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism Republican delegates arriving in Tampa for the…
Where is the Indictment of Julian Assange?
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media The story we get repeatedly from the press is that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange received asylum in the Ecuadorian…
Obama Excuses Chavez While American Rots in Cuba
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media Except for some innuendo in the mainstream press that the Republicans are “desperate” for an issue to use in…
HISTORIC: Lineup for Tomorrow’s Telethon to Defeat Obama
NoisyRoom MEDIA ADVISORY – Tuesday, July 3, 2012 CONTACT: Ryan Gill at Ryan@CampaignToDefeatObama.com or (650) 678-7732 Lineup of Guests for 4th of July Defeat Obama…
Clinton: Nobody’s seen a Communist in years
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at The Politico… Let’s overlook the fact that Clinton looks horrific in this video. No Communists in ten years?…
American Bolsheviks – The Second Act
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Well, look who’s sprouting out of the radical ground! It reads like a who’s who of Communists……
‘Democrats, Socialists and Communists…We Are All Together’: Piven Draws Chilling Connections
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at The Blaze… According to Frances Fox Piven: The Occupy Movement is made up of “All parts of the…
The Fox News Feminists
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media As tens of thousands of Americans stage a “March for Life” against abortion in Washington, D.C., new Fox News…
2011 – Turning Our Backs on the Gods of the Copybook Headings
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Rudyard Kipling: AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race, I make my proper prostrations to the Gods…
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