Red Reps 10 here.

When former California State Rep. Karen Bass took over Diane Watson’s Congressional seat in 2010, the voters of California’s 33rd district merely exchanged one pro-Marxist representative for another.
Clearly marked out for big things, Bass was selected by then Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi to serve on the prestigious Steering and Policy Committee which sets the policy direction of the Democratic Caucus. Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland, also appointed Bass to serve as an Assistant Whip.
Karen Bass also wasted no time in joining the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the influential, eighty strong bloc of leftist Democrats, many of whom are connected to Democratic Socialists of America, the Communist Party USA, or both.
Karen Bass started her political organizing as a middle school student when she signed up to be a precinct captain for Robert Kennedy in 1968. In 1990, Bass founded and ran Community Coalition, a “community-based social justice organization in South Los Angeles to empower residents to get involved in making a difference.” In addition to her 14 years as Executive Director for Community Coalition, Bass has a long history as an activist, creating change on both a local and an international level.
In the Community Coalition, Karen Bass worked closely with some of South Los Angeles’ most dedicated Marxist activists.
- Bob Wing – Director of Strategic Projects for the Coalition, has a history with the Maoist leaning Line of March, the Communist Party splinter Committees of Correspondence and the Sacramento Marxist School, where he lectured on “Post 9/11 Left Political Strategy.” in January 2002, a group of San Francisco leftists, mainly former Maoists or activists involved with STORM or Committees of Correspondence, founded a national anti-Iraq War newspaper – War Times. One of Wing’s War Times co-founders was Van Jones, later to find fame as President Barack Obama’s short lived “Green Jobs Czar.”
- Steve Tarzynski – Vice-Chairman of the Community Coalition Board, was for many years a leader of Los Angeles Democratic Socialists of America and is local chair of Physicians for a National Health Program, the pro-socialized medicine lobby group founded in Chicago by DSAer and long time Obama mentor Dr. Quentin Young.
In 1993, Bass revealed her socialist bent when she addressed that year’s West Coast Socialist Scholars Conference.

The event was co-sponsored by D.S.A., Committees of Correspondence, Socialist Community School, International Socialist Organization – Socialist Organizing Network – Solidarity and the Union for Radical Political Econonics.
Co-speakers included Angie Fa, Bogdan Denitch, Mona Field and Harold Meyerson, all of D.S.A., future Los Angeles City Councillor Mark Ridley-Thomas and Line of March founder and Committees of Correspondence founder Irwin Silber, and Harold Meyerson, who incidentally was the first journalist to bring then obscure Illinois State Senator Barack Obama to national attention.
Communist Party supporting Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, the “first Member of Congress to call on the President to bring our troops home,” was to be in Los Angeles on Saturday, February 4th, 2006, for a ‘very exciting but critical fundraiser against the most well-known, well-financed challenger she’s ever faced.”
The Host Committee for this fundraiser included the cream of the Los Angeles Democratic Party left: Ben Affleck, Ed Asner, Warren Beatty, Jodie Evans, James Cromwell, Matt Damon, Tom Hayden, Mimi Kennedy, Norman Lear, Stanley Sheinbaum & Betty Sheinbaum, Gloria A. Totten, Senator Barbara Boxer, Congressman Joe Baca, Congressman Xavier Becerra, Congresswoman Lois Capps, Congresswoman Jane Harman, Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald, Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Congressman Adam Schiff, Congresswoman Hilda Solis, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Congresswoman Diane Watson, State Senator Sheila Kuehl and then California Assemblywoman Karen Bass.
The fundraiser was at the Stanley & Betty Sheinbaum residence in Brentwood. Both Sheinbaums have been members of Democratic Socialists of America, as was Ed Asner.
As of 2009, Karen Bass, then Speaker of the House, California State Assembly, was on the Board of Directors of the Liberty Hill Foundation, a Los Angeles based organization “seeking to advance movements for social change through a combination of grants, leadership training and alliance-building.”
At Liberty Hill, Karen Bass served with several D.S.A. members and supporters, including Paula Litt, Reverend Jim Conn, The Honorable Jackie Goldberg, Peter Dreier, Paul Schrade, Kent Wong, Margery Tabankin and the Sheinbaums. Other Liberty Hill colleagues included Los Angeles Councillor Mark Ridley-Thomas and the city’s pro-Marxist mayor and former Obama Transition Team member Antonio Villaraigosa.
Karen Bass brings nothing new to the US house of Representatives.
She is just another cheeky little California red. Old wine, in a new bottle.
Red Reps 12 here
Warship revival ministries international we are local independent petticoat faith best ministry here in Africa the western part of Uganda at the bonder of DRC, bundibugyo district bubukwanga sub-county in the village of bubulongu which was instarbleshed 04 oct 2008 .
It is our theme that true warship to GOD which is to warship him in spirit and truth can be revived as to fulfill the reason to why he created b a human being and his desire for mans existence [JOHN 4;23-24].
It is our vision and ministry overall goal to promote GOD’S fear in the communities of our area by preaching to them the gospel of our lord juses Christ discipering iguiping and instructing them to become sustainable model excellence when they are impacted transformed to warship the lord . They will believe GOD and understand his concern by providing compassionate services and developmental activities to them such as;
Establishing Christian boding schools.
Establishing orphanage and widows home.
Facilitating abandoned and street children.
Facilitating people with HIV/ AID victims.
Developing education literacy classes.
Helping to awaken and instruct the pigmies in to spiritual maturity
To established both the hospital and prisons ministries.
As to encourage and make them aware of GOD’s will and purpose upon them in Avery situation of their lives.
As ministry, we are committed to devort ourselves and humble to serve GOD according to calling.
We are hoping to set up a well organized ministry centre with the acaltedra building, and other residential buildings for leaders and receive some different materials to facilitate and excel the ministry.
We believe poverty the enemies of GOD’s glory will be eradicated for abettor guality of the Christians living and will be manifest for his own glory in the communities of our area when the above mentioned vision and ministry overall goal is fulfill .
Therefore our great faith is that GOD who does not deceive neither come first or late but faith fully at his own and real timing is very ready to touch any obedient vessel or vessels from different specific parts of the world and give us a had support as to stand with us in fulfilling his great mission here in Africa Uganda for the bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive [ACTS 20;35]
California is doomed and well deserved, the big crack can not happen soon enough or japanese radiation This state has more commies and hollyweird wealth. Why is Chris Dodd out there? They have successfully killed the middle class. It is no wonder that the stars dont live in California anymore. Florida , right to work and no state income tax. I have John Travolta up the road and many others down the road from me. Movies sets are drying up in hollywood by more reality shows filmed in distressed states of LA & Mi and the state tax credits from Alaska promoted all those reality and Nat Geo documentary and docudrama shows. The most popular cable show Swamp Peopl, everyone loves the History from shows like American Pickers and Pawn Stars. Frankly the history channel does some really entertaining reality shows.
abc nbc cbs are so stuck on the 30 min sit cum of non sense between men and men and kids and talent shows like SSDD. Blame it on the news media loss of credibility. The BBC positioning in our broadcasting is overwhelming, just notice how many british accented actors are selling insurance and home remodeling etc..
It’s time for another Declaration of Independence to free ourselves from decades of abuses by our Government masters. Time for 1776 once again.
Oh for thr to be an open season on Commies and illegals. Oh yes and lets not forget Libs/progressives either. Oh wait a minute they are one in the same. Duh!
Sooo…why don’t they leave?!? Under our Republic they have the freedom to emigrate to whatever great socialist/communist/progressive country they want. No, they choose to stay and infiltrate our government, schools, etc, etc…and not for any benign reason but to subvert, destroy, fundamentally change America. Sounds like treason to me!
Yes, they infiltrate. They think they know best how anyone should live. BUT, instead of going to a Communist Country to live, they want to change America to suit themselves. Keeping all of the percs that they enjoy here, while touting the wonderment of the Communist way. WHAT GARBAGE! They should all be ferreted out and deported to whichever Communist Country they choose. NOT OURS!
If all these people dislike our country so much, then why don’t they just LEAVE…? There are plenty of socialist countries who would love to welcome them into their system…(and look how great those socialist countries are doing)…
I don’t want some wackos taking over my country….As I said before, if you don’t like it, GET OUT and move elsewhere…
Well said Cynthia! Amen-we need to get them out of our country and disband their organizations! We don’t want the RED MENACE here! to hell with their rights when they are trying to take ours away!
It’s California and we expect pot smokin’ liberals who are communistic in attitude. Still, we have to draw a line after which tolerance is gone. In a free country it is hard to just exile,evict or really go after the cronically stupid and mentally incompetant. Having money may be a mental disability in California if one is a uber liberal democrat to start with. This has been a long time coming. But, they insisted on a token for the Oval Office and we, as a country, have gone to bleep in a handbag ever since he got elected. We need to secure the borders and evict all who dont belong. As we do it, we need to thin govt. to a managable size and cut needless spending. Soc. Sec. should have been in a lock box years ago. Instead it’s a piggy bank for every wild eyed pork barrel lunacy and unwanted war they can dream up. Back to basics and as govt. that doesnt try to control every facet of our economic,national and personal lives. Cameras everywhere. Now his wife is trying to tell us what to eat and how to raise the kids. I dont need a village to raise a kid. I dont need a govt. trying to run my life. Good,bad or mediocre, it’s my life and I want the govt. to butt out.
They’ve got it made here — living in a capitalistic society, but working to impose their socialist/communists policies on us! Why should they leave? They have the best of both worlds! No other country in the world is as good as the USA! And their constituents are so ignorant and apathetic as to what they stand for and what is really going on — that they will never be voted out! Hence……career politicians like Maxine Waters dig in and stay there 4-ever — causing enormous damage!
Communists have never wavered from their openly stated goal of world conquest. When a communist talks of attaining world “peace,” what they mean is when all capitalism is rid from the world. Why would a communist ever leave the U.S., when they are at war with it?