Red Reps 4 here
The U.S.’s largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America has infiltrated members and supporters into several state legislatures across the nation. Usually posing as Democrats, the covert socialists are then used to promote D.S.A. legislation and causes, such as gun control, single payer health care, leftist labor legislation etc. at the state level.

One such infiltrator is long-time Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party State Representative Michael Paymar.
First elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 1996, Paymar is now serving in his 7th term as a legislator from St. Paul, Minnesota. He is chair of the Public Safety Finance Division which has budget oversight over the Department of Correction, Department of Public Safety, Department of Human Rights, the Courts and crime victim programs. He is also member of the House Finance Committee, Public Safety Policy Division and the Civil Justice Division.
Michael Paymar is also a member of the Council of State Governments Public Safety and Justice Task Force and the National Conference of State Legislatures Committee on Law and Justic.
Paymar has been a strong advocate of gun control, socialized health care and of measures to combat domestic violence. The last is a very worthy cause, but is one often hi-jacked by feminists and socialists to extract money from government and foundations and to denigrate men and masculine institutions.
Paymar is a co-founder of the well known (some would say “infamous”) Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project.
Paymar serves a Resource Specialist for the leftist Battered Women’s Justice Program in Minneapolis, providing training and technical assistance to professionals in the criminal and civil justice system, law enforcement and the U.S. military on ways to end domestic violence.
As a consultant with George Soros‘ Soros foundation and Advocates for Human Rights, Michael Paymar worked with NGOs in Eastern Europe, Europe, the Caucusus, central Asia, China and Australia. He has worked with the Department of Defense in the United States and military installations in Japan, Guam, Iceland, Hawaii, North Carolina, Florida, and California.
In 2010 Paymar addressed a National Institute of Justice conference on the Violence Against Women Act, with Lynn Rosenthal, White House Advisor on Violence Against Women, Office of the Vice President of the United States.
What evidence do I have to prove that Michael Paymar is a covert Marxist?
In 1996, D.S.A. sent six staff members into the field for the final weeks of the election campaign. These staff and D.S.A. volunteers “contributed to the re-election of Senator Paul Wellstone and Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-upstate NY).”
D.S.A. leader Christine Riddiough was assigned to Wellstone’s campaign in Minnesota. While there she also met Michael Paymar;
While in Minnesota I had the fortune to meet with many members of Twin Cities DSA. The group is planning to meet regularly to work on DSA’s Action Agenda and to draw together Minnesota socialists. In my election work I ran across another DSA member, Michael Paymar, who was running for the Minnesota legislature. Along with Wellstone, he, too, won on Tuesday. He now joins the ranks of DSAers and other progressives who are trying to change American politics while serving in public office.
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D.S.A.’s Democratic Left, Nov./Dec. 1996, page 18 |
How many of the thousands of Minnesota voters who put Michael Paymar into office realized they were voting for a covert Marxist? Has any of Michael Paymar’s campaign literature, or public statements ever mentioned his Democratic Socialists of America affiliation?
D.S.’s goals include to “abolish private ownership of the means of production“, increase progressive taxation, promote gun control, introduce socialized health care in every state and gradually turn the U.S. into a socialist country.
Are these aims in line with the views of most Minnesota voters?
Perhaps some enterprising journalist could ask Michael Paymar to explain his Marxist affiliation and why he has never bothered to tell Minnesota voters about his D.S.A. connection.
Red Reps 6 here
sounds like michael paymar has a pretty impressive resume to me. good job at pointing out all the good work he’s been doing for the last 15 years.