Florida’s 22nd Congressional District may have to give up a very fine representative, for the good of all Americans.
Posted in 2012 Election, Liberty, Social Movements, Video
Allen West Speaks to the Folks at Home
April 17, 2011 12 Comments
Colonel West is a very good man. However, Colonel West does not understand some basics. He doesn’t have any intellectual conception of the Federal Reserve and the trillions of dollars of debt that this fiat debt banking model (since 1913) has spurred. West doesn’t have the intellect to understand this. All he does is talk the same ole, same ole, same ole, i.e., gotta cut spending. Well duh! But what is the fuel behind profligate spending and borrowing, Rep. West? It is the illegal fractional reserve Federal Reserve system of money and banking. Furthermore, West is an undying supporter of Israel. Why do we have to continue to kiss Israel’s fanny? Let Israel take care of Israel. Israelis are brilliant capable people, and we should stop mendling over there. If anything, they should be helping us; not the U.S. taxpayer to support parasitic Israel. Don’t support Islamic extremism and don’t support Zionist Israel. Stay away from both of these political time bombs. Like I said, West is a great guy, but he’s mostly a feel good type of politician, as he lacks the ability to comprehend the finer detail and thus help lead this nation out of its abyss.
To Taylor M. –
A leader knows what he doesn’t know. Experts on the Fed (such as yourself) could educate and advise a leader. The more information someone has on a subject (such as the true background on the Federal Reserve system), the more capable they are in making an informed and intelligent decision. Un-elected “czars” with the legal power to create and enforce “policy” should never have been permitted in the first place; and I believe an individual with the character of Rep. West would NOT support the continuation of such practices. A man of honor and principle would appoint individuals of the same character, so that when he delegates tasks to those individuals, he can have faith in their abilities to “complete the mission”.
Incompetence has been a hallmark of government for longer than I can remember. I believe Allen West would “clean house” on a grand scale throughout the bureacracy; and use the power of the presidency to actively support and encourage legislators (from both parties) based on their characters and proven abilities to get the job done. I believe he would support term limits, and do his very best to get such legislation passed by going to the American people themselves. Career politicians, bureacrats and lobbying system should be retired.
As for US/Israel relations: there is much relevancy in the founding of our nation based upon Judea/Christian principles. That is the TRUTH despite many claims to the contrary. Religious beliefs are written on the hearts of all men; and to insist or force a particular one upon others goes against all that America stands for. To turn our backs on Israel (in my opinion) would be a grave mistake at this time in history. May I suggest (as a purely educational reference) that you read the Book of Revelations? It may influence your thinking to the point of perhaps changing your opinion.
To Taylor M.
In the Bible, Genesis 12:3 God tells Abram (Abraham), the father of the Jewish (Israel) nation, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” All the nations have been blessed because Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, is a descendant of Abraham.
The United States has been greatly blessed by supporting Israel but if we stop supporting Israel, we will surely be cursed by God. It is very likely that the crises we are facing now are being brought on us because we are not supporting Isreal to the extent we have in the past.
The more I see of this guy, the better I like him.
I write emails with the sole purpose of keeping people informed of how evil Obama and his Socialist Administration is. I promote Allen West for President in nearly every email. I even went as far as to write a physical letter, asking him to run for office.
He has several qualities that America needs. First, he is a Constitutionalist. When he takes the oath of office to defend the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, you can trust he will do so. Second, he has military training to define the enemy and knows the methods of attacking and eliminating them. Third, he understands the problem of large government. Fourth, he takes the race card off of the table, giving the black community a choice that they can be proud of, not just a black community activist. Fifth, and most important, he is electable and is what America requires if it is to survive at all.
Allen West for President. I suggest adding it to your emails, blogs and correspondence to make everyone aware of who he is. Spread the word far and wide so we can send Obama and his czars packing in 2012.
We need him.
As the father of two soldiers I pray everyday for our troops and for Allen West to throw his hat in the presidential ring.
He is the answer!
God bless you, Allen.
Please Mr.West don’t keep us in suspense any longer. You are the ONLY person out there with the experience and credentials. You are the ONLY hope for our country. I pray that God will allow you to see that. Your Country Needs You! Don’t let us down!
This is what “America” is supposed to look like. This is what “minorities” assimilated into the mainstream body politic were intended to become – Americans – in the true sense of the word.
This guy is the real deal. He is tried and proven under fire. He has been actually responsible for the lives of others under fire. He has never sherked his duty, he told his court martial board who disciplined him for “intimidating” the enemy caught red handed attempting to kill him and his troops, that he would carry a can of gas through the fires of hell if that is what it took to protect the lives of those under his command.
Those supporting him will undoubtibly do the same for him. West has faced the enemy in battle and will not back down to mere politicians. There is hope for this country after all.
We need him in the White House.This is what “America” is supposed to look like. This is what “minorities” assimilated into the mainstream body politic were intended to become – Americans – in the true sense of the word.
This guy is the real deal. He is tried and proven under fire. He has been actually responsible for the lives of others under fire. He has never sherked his duty, he told his court martial board who disciplined him for “intimidating” the enemy caught red handed attempting to kill him and his troops, that he would carry a can of gas through the fires of hell if that is what it took to protect the lives of those under his command.
Those supporting him will undoubtibly do the same for him. West has faced the enemy in battle and will not back down to mere politicians. There is hope for this country after all.
We need him in the White House.
THIS man, with his prayer request for wisdom gives me hope. I really would love to vote for Allen West for president. Thanks, Trevor, for all you do!