Arch hypocrite and Marxist connected Wisconsin Senate minority leader Mark Miller on being out maneuvered by Republicans on the controversial “Budget Repair Bill”.
From AP
“In 30 minutes, 18 state Senators undid 50 years of civil rights in Wisconsin. Their disrespect for the people of Wisconsin and their rights is an outrage that will never be forgotten,” said Democratic Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller. “Tonight, 18 Senate Republicans conspired to take government away from the people.”
Miller said in an interview with The Associated Press there is nothing Democrats can do now to stop the bill: “It’s a done deal.”
Permit me to re-phrase the AP quote of Mark Miller to more accurately reflect reality:
"In 30 minutes, 18 state Senators undid 50 years of radical leftist corruption in Wisconsin. Their respect for the tax payers of Wisconsin and their rights is a favor that will never be forgotten," said Democratic Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller. "Tonight, 18 Senate Republicans conspired to take government away from the leftist union bosses."
Shouldn't we start using "The urinal calling the toilet white?" That way we can't be accused of being racist.
Democats were nothing but cowards on this. They should have stayed and fought. Instead they ran and hid.
"It is high time the patriotic freedom loving taxpayers stood up to this marxist looting and plunder of their hard earned resources."
What we have actually seen here is the dismantling of 50 yrs. of communist sedition and subversion.
It is high time the patriotic freedom loving taxpayers stood up to this marxist looting and plunder of their hard earned resources.
It is a lot easier to "get" a living off the backs of those others who produce wealth than it is to actually "earn" a living through the toil of their own efforts.
This is what socialists have figured out. "Redistribution of (someone else's) wealth" is just another word for stealing, only possible after property rights have been abolished. It is morally and legally wrong.
"Civil rights" are but government granted privileges. This country was not founded upon "civil rights", it was founded upon Creator derived "natural" absolute unalienable rights which pre-date government.
Marxist liberals want the special privileges of "civil rights" which make them more equal than others.
That is not Americanism. Perhaps we are seeing the beginnings of a new American revolution.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Just like a liberal to cry foul when a legislative trick is pulled (and works) that outfoxes their agenda!
Indiana needs to take notes on how it is done.
Yes! They certainly don't like the Republican's using the same rules as they do – like deeming and passing Obamacare!
Good! They also need to be fined, lose pay, etc, for doing what they did by running away from their responsibility to their constituents. That's not how democracy thrives. It's how it dies.