Day: March 2, 2011
Socialists Organizing Women to Amp Up U.S. Turmoil
The U.S.’s largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America has been organizing, labor and youth in support of the spreading labor unrest. Noreen Connell Now…
Another Celebrity Socialist on the Soapbox
Actor, Hugo Chavez lover and Progressives for Obama founder Danny Glover, wearing his union activist hat, joined protesters as they attempted to drown out the…
The Marxist/Muslim Alliance at Auckland University
The Marxist/Muslim alliance is a reality in every Western nation. Here Joe Carolan and Omar Hamed of New Zealand’s most militant Trotskyite group, Socialist Aotearoa…
Anarchy and "Mobocracy" in Wisconsin
This reminds one of the barbarism and thuggery of the Chinese “Cultural Revolution”. An object example of how labor unionism can turn usually decent people…
Pakistani Kids Play "Suicide Bomber"
Makes “cowboys and Indians”, or “cops and robbers” seem pretty lame.
Must See: Farrakhan Prepares His People for Coming Fire and Bloodshed
Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke to an audience of over 16,000 with thousands more watching globally via live webcast at the Nation of Islam’s annual convention,…
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