My home town of Christchurch was devastated at 12.51 pm today by a 6.3 Richter Scale earthquake.
Though not as big as the 7.1 earthquake last September, it was far shallower and much closer to the city center. Much, much more violent.
At least 65 reported deaths so far. Whole streets flattened and 5 story buildings leveled.
We have at least six major aftershocks since – several over 5.0.
My good friend Andy biked the outskirts of the inner city the afternoon and made this video.
This is shot outside the police cordon and does not show the inner city which looks like a war zone.
My family and friends are all fine. We have power, phone, drinking water, food and a roof over our heads.
Thank you all for the many, many messages of concern.
Will update tomorrow.
Trevor, so happy you and all are safe. The minute I heard on the news, I texted my son in Wellington. He said they could feel the quake in his office. (WCC)
Wishing you all the best.
Justin's mum from Oklahoma
Hi, our prayers go to you, your family and all the people of New Zealand who were affected by the quake. Take care and stay safe.
I thought of you and your family when I heard of the earthquake. Christchurch has had more than its share of disasters recently. Hope this is the last of them.
Thanks God you and your family are safe.
My prayers for you guys, in NZ.
You were the first person I thought of. I am so sorry that New Zealanders are going through this yet again!
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank goodness you are okay–you are such an amazing journalist and true patriot! God Bless you and keep you safe.
As a Californian I feel your pain. Glad you are ok down there.
So glad that you and your family are OK and have supplies to get your through. The images were just terrible, I can't imagine how frightening it must be.
Our prayers go up for you all, for the families that were not so lucky.
Right Truth
Prayers for you and all there in Christchurch. Glad to hear you are doing okay.
Trevor, Thank G_d you are all right! Our prayers are with you and all those affected.
Michael in Meridian, Idaho.
So sorry for the troubles of Christchurch especially so soon after the other earthquake. Will pray for the survivors and souls of the departed.
I'm glad to know you're OK. Prayers to all.
Everyone at iOwnTheWorld are sending thoughts and prayers your way.
Mr. Pinko
So sorry this had to happen to you again.
I am praying for all the victims. Please take care
and stay safe.
Prayers from this side of the world are with all of you.
prayers are with you and your country at this time. thanks for keeping us posted on what is going on over there.
Relieved to hear you and your family are OK. Thoughts and prayers w/you and all in Christchurch affected. Stay safe!
Trevor, Praise GOD that you & your family are safe. My prayers will continue for those of Christchurch. Please take care and post a link for donations for those of us in the USA.
First thing I thought of when I heard of this quake was you, and your family, Trevor. God Be with you, your friends and neighbors during this tough time.
I was reading this morning of the terrible devastation this event has caused the people of Christchurch. Several deaths and hundreds of injuries. One must wonder just how much destruction and desolation the good people of Christchurch are expected to endure. Very sad, indeed. Kevin, perhaps you could direct us to a trustworthy aid centre to which we could donate. God Bless.
So grateful you and your family are okay, Trevor. Sending blessings your way.
Oh, Trevor, just heard about the Quake and headed immediately to New Zeal Blog. God Bless you all. Thanks to the Heavenly Father for you and yours and all those who are safe. Prayers for ALL.
Take Good Care. The world needs you more with each passing day.
Melanie in Bristol
Trevor, Glad you and your family are safe. I'm so sorry to hear that this has again happened to your beautiful city, and that so many lives have been lost.
Please do your best to stay safe!
Prayers to you and your family Trevor along with all of those in Christchurch.
My first thought when I heard the news was whether or not you and your family were safe. Thanks for that good news.
It is terrible that 65 have been lost sofar.
God bless you and your fellow countrymen. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
So glad you are OK. Stay safe, Trevor.
So glad you are safe, Trevor. I was worried about you ever since I learned about the quake. Stay safe.
Sara in Ohio says…praise God you are ok…we will continue to pray for those trapped, injured and killed.
I have been praying for your safety. God bless you. Keep up the good fight.
Thank God you and your family are safe.
We're praying for you, Trevor!
Glad to hear you and your family are safe Trevor. Our thoughts and prayers come from across the Tasman, as well as our emergency personnel and aid! Breaks my heart to see you guys go through this again, as you were just recovering from the last one! Keep the ANZAC spirit alive!!
Thank goodness! I was tweeting you…but finally caught this update just now…will post your video and info ….
Best regards! I also posted your request for donations in my headlines section today. You are a Patriot treasure…so we want you to keep cranking on the bad guys!
Best regards!