7 thoughts on “Loudon on BlogTalk Radio-in a Few Minutes

  1. Trevor,

    I'm so glad I found your site. My Grandma and her family (Andrews) are from New Zealand, and I visited when I was 2 (don't remember much, but it's a beautiful country).

    I'm in Houston, Texas and also blog myself:


    I found your site via a link on Michelle Malkin's site.

    I thank you and others for doing the heavy lifting that the mainstream media refuse to do.

    You are bookmarked, and I will check back often.

  2. I listened to the show. I was neat to hear you speak. I took notes. I hope you'll consider sharing your information with Matt Drudge at the Drudge Report. I am very concerned for my country, but know that if the citizens knew the truth they would reject the Obama administration. Many are rejecting the spending and takeover mentality but don't understand where it is coming from. It is imperative that the USA understand that these radicals are not American.

    Anonymous in flyover country

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