Day: February 3, 2011
Egyptian Revolution – Muslim Face, Marxist Brain
Many Westerners struggle to understand that radical Islam, is in many ways a tool of the Marxist – Leninist left. While the two philosophies appear…
Egypt – Which Form of Tyranny Will Win?
Below is a video of Egyptian Revolutionary Socialist member Hossam el-Hamalawy speaking at the British Socialist Workers Party run Marxism 2008. The Egyptian revolution is…
Statement issued by the Egyptian Communist Party, February 2, 2011 The hour of truth is near and the decisive moment has arrived when the Egyptian…
West on the West and Islam
Imagine if more political leaders had this clarity.
Influence Operations of the Muslim Brotherhood
Frank Gaffney and Nonie Darwish on Influence operations of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Why Do So Many Jews Support Gun Control?
If any minority has suffered through lack of self defense weaponry, it is Jews. Anti Semitism is on the rise across the world. Jews should…
Paul Ryan Exposes Obamacare Scam
Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan shines a spotlight through the BS fog surrounding Obamacare.
ElBaradei’s Unsavory Associates
Mohamed ElBaradei Self appointed spokesman for the Egyptian “revolution” Mohamed ElBaradei is not a man to inspire confidence in pro-Western circles. Tariq Rauf As head…
International Labor Backs Egyptian Revolution
The American AFL-CIO , the International Confederation of Trade Unions and the communist controlled World Federation of Trade Unions are all throwing their wight behind…
A Black Conservative’s View of American History
Very appropriate for “Black History Month.”
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