Anonymous, We Can Sing it at events planned or not. We have for too long asked it is o.k. to act Christian in Public.No One else does,and look what gets by,Anything and Everything.Let 'em be offended,(notice absolutely NOTHING else offends them),just christianity.These same people are definately going to be offended by christianity when they die. Here in America we have,"Freedom of Religion" that includes,"the Free Exercise Thereof". So Sing and Pray as the Spirit moves you. Merry Chistmas to all.
We Can Sing it at events planned or not. We have for too long asked it is o.k. to act Christian in Public.No One else does,and look what gets by,Anything and Everything.Let 'em be offended,(notice absolutely NOTHING else offends them),just christianity.These same people are definately going to be offended by christianity when they die. Here in America we have,"Freedom of Religion" that includes,"the Free Exercise Thereof". So Sing and Pray as the Spirit moves you. Merry Chistmas to all.
If only they could sing this at a planned event.
I can't get enough of this!
"And He shall reign forever and ever. Hallelujah!"
I'm surprised some leftist didn't call the cops!
Sounds like Christmas!
There are churches in the Chicago area which have special gatherings where people all sing the Hallelujah chorus togther…
thanks Trevor…