Incredible! How can this video have only had 700 views? Leon Weinstein, who left Soviet socialism for American liberty in 1974 speaks in this video of the way that the current Administration is crippling the economy. He very masterfully explains this with the example of the lottery. Take four minutes to listen to this man who knows Socialism only too well, and then pass on this video. It needs to go viral.
Mr Weinstein’s website is here. Once again, watch this video – and if it impacts you like it impacted me, pass it on.
The Tax Return Crack-Up<2>
I was not shocked because this was old news — practically ancient, in fact. In R. Microsoft Office Emmett Tyrrell, Office 2010 Jr.'s most recent book The Clinton Microsoft Office 2010 Crack-
Up, page fiv Office 2007 e, paragraph two, we learn that in Bill Clinton's "first four years out of the White H Microsoft Office 2007 ouse, he ea Office 2010 key rned over Office 2010 download $43 million Office 2010 Professional after
expenses… Microsoft outlook "
The next Outlook 2010 page directs Windows 7 us to Appendix Microsoft outlook 2010 I, a list of the conniving couple's fees for speeches and book royalties and other income. The first
Excellent, thank you for bringing this man to our attention. I will be passing it on everywhere I can find. Thanks again!!!
Thank you for posting this Trevor, Leon Weinstein's experiences and wisdom need to be heard. We who've only known freedom cannot fathom what it would be like to lose it.
We've already lost so many little things that we haven't even noticed, but of course that is the intent of "Dupes".
Thank you for your many years of service to "Freedom" and all of your dedicated research.