I suspect the place would look worse than the D.C. grounds following O's inauguration or the socialists' mandated and union subsidized 10.2.10 "rally."
And it would be funnier if it weren't so horribly true.
This is what happens when the "kids" are in charge.
If they get fired in November, I wonder if they will trash their offices again like they did when "W" got elected. This was really responsible "adult" behavior.
This is hilarious coming from New Zealand (a socialist country) of all places!
I thought New Zealand was mostly socialist/liberals? Why are they poking fun at American Democrats? Are there conservatives in NZ?
I suspect the place would look worse than the D.C. grounds following O's inauguration or the socialists' mandated and union subsidized 10.2.10 "rally."
And it would be funnier if it weren't so horribly true.
I expect them to trash offices and pass as many socialist bills as they can after they leave and we escort them out of the building.
This is what happens when the "kids" are in charge.
If they get fired in November, I wonder if they will trash their offices again like they did when "W" got elected. This was really responsible "adult" behavior.
Excellent video. Hope you don't mind, but I am going to post it over at TCL FB with a link to you.