Month: September 2010
Feds Accused Of Renting From Radical Mosque
The Federal Government’s U.S. Census is currently (Aug. 16) leasing a 6,600 square-foot corner of an old, back-road building in Virginia. Land records that Channel…
Terror Suspects were Active in Obama’s Socialist “New Party”
On September 24, about 20 FBI agents spent most of the day searching the Logan Square residence of Chicago activists Stephanie Weiner and her husband,…
Communists, Danny Glover, Invited to "Progressive March"
The indefatigable Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media draws our attention to the “One Nation Working Together” protest which is scheduled for October 2, 2010…
Ahmadinejad Condemns Capitalism; "We Need to Revert to the Divine Mindset"
“Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Tuesday that capitalism faces inevitable defeat and called for the overhaul of “undemocratic and unjust” global decision-making bodies. He blamed…
Busted! Anti-American Terrorism Supporters — in Chicago and Minneapolis
Cross-posting Brenda J. Elliott’s article at the Real Barrack Obama blog. “Under Democrat Harry Truman, it was the Communist bogeyman that was used to destroy…
Chinese Govt. Clamp Down on Obama Merchandise
A story from November 2009 that you may not have seen yet. “With President Obama scheduled to visit Beijing on Monday, city authorities have banned…
DC Insider Interview Part 2: "The President Needs to Grow Up"
Yesterday I published Part 1 of an interview with a “Washington D.C. insider”. Below is Part 2 of the interview. Please note that because the…
Become a Freedom Fighter, Get Behind DeMint
I’ve encouraged you before to get behind Senator Jim DeMint in his campaign for U.S. Senator for South Carolina. Jim has been dubbed “America’s Most…
A Change of Course in Cuba and Venezuela?
A very insightful article on Cuba, Venezuela, and their relationships with the U.S., Russia, and China, by George Friedman and Reva Bhalla. Strange statements are…
Is the President "Losing It"?
An author named Ulsterman writes at, publishing an interview that he says he held with a former advisor to the Obama election campaign and…
Cass Sunstein, Healthcare, and The Constitution
In June the YourDaddy’s Politics blog broke the news of comments made by Obama’s “Regulatory Czar”, Cass Sunstein on his views on healthcare and The…
Disinformation? What Does Fidel Castro Really Think About Cuba’s Economy?
Upon receiving a phone-call from Fidel Castro’s office in Cuba inviting him to interview the Cuban dictator, Jeffrey Goldberg, a journalist for The Atlantic got…
Michael Moore: "I Want Mosque Built on Ground Zero"
The Communist Party USA’s newspaper, People’s World reposts Farenheit 9-11 director Michael Moore’s blog post entitled, “If the ‘Mosque’ Isn’t Built, This Is No Longer…
Colonel West and Obama on Islam
The Impeach Obama Campaign website links to a video that was put together on September 11, 2010, in which President Barack Obama and Colonel Allen…
1.5 Million Hits on New Zeal blog
On July 2, 2010 I posted to let everyone know that the New Zeal blog had been visited one million times. Today, less than nine…
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