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"Never Gonna Stand For This"

By Teachenor Clark.

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"AGENDA:Grinding America Down" – Buy Your Copy Today

Curtis Bowers has made an excellent documentary “AGENDA: Grinding America Down“. Mr Bowers looks at the subversion of America, the systematic “grinding down” of American…

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Soros/Obama/Democrat Connected "Veterans Group" Backs "Ground Zero Mosque"

A high powered and well connected “veterans group” has issued a letter backing “Park 51”, the Islamic community center and mosque proposed for Lower Manhattan…

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Trumka Works for Global Financial Tax

Another great video from Pam Key at The BlazeAFL-CIO president Richard Trumka is working with European socialists to implement a global financial tax.

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Message of Hope

A reader sent through the following article. I think if we can get through the next few years, we have a bright future ahead of…

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Busted – Orlando Mosque Finances Hamas Fundraiser

Cross posted from KeyWiki Blog Must see doco on U.S. fundraising for Hamas.

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Socialist Dolores Huerta Campaigns for Illegal Immigrant "Rights"

Glenn Beck has a great new news site The Blaze – check it out. From today’s edition, a video of Democratic Socialists of America member…

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40 Years of the Mexican-American Revolution

Cross posted from KeyWiki Blog The Chicano Moratorium brought together 30,000 people – mainly from the Mexican American communities in the Los Angeles area –…

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I.F. Stone – One Time Soviet Agent Endorsed Bernie Sanders

My previous post looked at Vermont’s independent Senator Bernie Sanders and his links to senior Communist Party USA member Mike Bayer. I speculated that Bayer…

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