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The Left’s Dirtiest Secret – the Relationship of Communism and Nazism
August 30, 2010 15 Comments
The Enemies Within
Copyright © 2025 Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog
James you said that Hitler was a Christian I don't if this is truth what I know is that he hated Christianity (read "Mein kempf) but used it to promote Nazism. Nazism and Comunism waere atheist idelogies!So please stop spreads lies.
"If the US was really founded as a Christian nation why is no mention made of the Christian God or Jesus Christ in the constitution?
Funny thing to do if you are establishing a Christian nation huh?" The founding Fathers didn't found a Christian Nation, but a Nation built on Christian principles where everybody can worship the God they waant. The U.S. is a religious nation and this is a fact even if you don'ìt like it!
@ Paul You have the right to be an atheist but please don't be disrespectful (And which God am I to have a relationship with? Say share bodily fluids? It's a spiritual relationship)
If the US was really founded as a Christian nation why is no mention made of the Christian God or Jesus Christ in the constitution?
Funny thing to do if you are establishing a Christian nation huh?
"You plonkers – the founding fathers of America were all atheists and hated organised religion in particular."
Hmmmm to be fair CA they were more openly deists that atheists although they may have used deisim as a cover for what they really felt…which was that Jesus was not devine and God did not exist,just to avoid conflict with the religious right of the time,who certainly DID think the founders were not Christians and were enemys of an established state religion…which is true despite the revisionist crap todays Christians in the US try to push as historical fact.
Washington,as one example was certainly a deist.
see here for info…
Quote: "Here is an interesting photo from the rally. It is interesting because, like so much of the "facts" pushed by the religious Right, this quote is bogus. George Washington never said this, at least no citation can show him saying it in any verifiable source. From what I could discern many Right-wing types attribute the quote to Washington and claim it came from various documents but none of the documents cited actually contain the quote in question.
Washington is a favorite of the Religious Right when it comes to forged quotes and false claims. The famous painting of Washington praying in the snow at Valley Forge is entirely mythical. Even Washington's own minister said Washington was never known to pray and while he attended church he appears to have been a deist of some sort, not a believer in Biblical Christianity at all. This was widely known to the Religious Right of early America. Rev. James R. Wilson, in a 1832 sermon entitled Prince Messiah's Claims to Dominion Over All Governments, said of Washington:
There is no satisfactory evidence that Washington
was a professor of the Christian religion, or even a
speculative believer in its divinity, before he retired
from public life. In no state paper, in no private
letter, in no conversation, is he known to have
declared himself a believer in the Holy Scriptures, as
the word of God. ….Is it probable that he was a true
believer in Jesus Christ and his Bible, when in times
so trying, and in a Christian nation, he wrote
thousands of letters, and yet never uttered a word,
from which it can be fairly inferred that he was a
believer? Who ever questioned whether Theodosius
or Charlemagne believed the Bible? "He that is not
against us is for us." And it is as true, that he who is
not for us, is against us.
Washington did pray, it is said, in secret, on his
knees, during the battle of Brandywine. That may
be true, and yet, like Thomas Paine, who is known
to have prayed, he may have been an unbeliever. Is
it probable that he would have attended balls,
theatres; and the card table, had he been a disciple
of Christ? Rousseau, an avowed infidel, has said
more in honor of Christ, than is known to have been
uttered by Washington. He was a slave holder,
which was doing "evil in the sight of the Lord." His
Sabbaths were not spent as the "fearers of the Lord"
enjoy that holy day. His death, as recorded by Dr.
Ramsey, is much more like a Heathen
Philosopher’s, than like that of a Saint of God.
He was President of the convention, that voted the
name of the living God out of the Constitution…
While President, in Philadelphia, his habit was to
arise and leave the church, when the Sacrament of
the Supper was dispensed. After the Rev. Dr.
Abercrombie had preached a faithful sermon against
the evil example thus set by the President of the
United States; Gen. Washington remarked, that he
would not set such an example for the future; and
from that time, he did not attend church on the
Sabbath, in which the Lord’s Supper was
So the bible thumpers of the time new that the founders weren't Christians….how can todays faithful discount this historic fact?
A liar writes…"Excellent. Both these "socialisms" are founded upon atheism, government being their "god". Human life is not the image and likeness of the Creator, who they refuse to ackknowlege. It is the result of an accidental quirk of nature and no more significant than the life of a horse, dog, fly, or even the existance of a rock lying on the ground. It is not regarded as "sacred" above all other things."
Wrong.Hitler was no atheist, he was a Catholic (who also dabbled in occultism) who died in good standing with the church and has not been excommunicated to this day.Many of the SS were Catholics as were many in the Nazi leadership…But even if Hitler was an atheist Atheism,the negative LACK of a belief in a god cannot stand as a position upon which to base positive actions and ideology upon…its a void.Hitler often expoused his belief that God was on Germanys side and had destined the Aryans for greatness.Funny sort of Atheist…
Stalin trained as a boy to become a priest and its widely agreed that he saw himself as a God….go figure.
See here…
I thought bearing false witness and outright lying were sins in The Christian religion…? So how come so many Christians do just that in desperate defence of their beliefs…? If you have the truth on your side fibs are redundant…mmmm?
And which God am I to have a relationship with? Say share bodily fluids?
The same supreme-being all Jews, Christians and Muslims worship?
The God called Yahweh, Jehovah and Allah etc?
The God you worship along with The Sept 11th terrorists,Taliban, David Koresh etc?
No thanks!
You and Bin Laden can keep your God.
Bye for now.
Lovely chatting.
I would like to have you identify the source documents to validate your assertions about the religions of our founding fathers?
It would appear to me that you have not truly gone to the library and researched the issue honestly. I hope someday you can have a relationship with God.
um, the USA was formed in 1776 so how did Lincoln become a founding father since his presidency started almost 100 years later March 4, 1861?
Looks like YOU are one attempting the re-write history Paul, so give it up, we don't buy your bull… as you prove yourself the resident plonker once again…
funny you must enjoy Trevor's site… or don't you have anything better to do?
p.s. "Conservative Christian authors such as David Barton, Peter Marshall Jr., and Tim LaHaye contend that most of the founders were devout Christians who sought to establish a Christian nation. Isaac Kramnick and R. Laurence Moore in “The Godless Constitution” and Brooke Allen in “Moral Minority: Our Skeptical Founding Fathers” counter that very few founders were orthodox Christians. They and others often generalize from famous founders, such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Thomas Paine, to argue that most founders were deists who wanted strict separation of church and state.
The truth lies between these two positions. Almost every major founder belonged to a Christian congregation, although a sizable number of them were not committed Christians whose faith strongly influenced their political philosophy and actions. Two recent books edited by Daniel Dreisbach, Jeffry Morrison, and Mark David Hall—“The Founders on God and Government” and “The Forgotten Founders on Religion and Public Life”—carefully explained the religious backgrounds, convictions, and contributions of numerous founders. They show that many who played leading roles in the nation’s Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress, and the devising and ratification of the Constitution were devout Christians, as evident in their church attendance, commitment to prayer and Bible reading, belief in God’s direction of earthly affairs, and conduct."
You plonkers – the founding fathers of America were all atheists and hated organised religion in particular.
The majority of those behind organising the ‘Final Solution’ were Christians – mostly Catholics, including Hitler who founded his warped anti-Semitic doctrine from his Christian education.
Stop re-writing history to suit you own dogma.
“Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity” (Thomas Jefferson)
"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches." (Washington)
“The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my profession." (Lincoln)
"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise." (Madison)
“As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed?" (Adams)
If ever there was a country founded on secular ideals and a hatred of organised religion it is the United States and not Germany under National Socialism which used religion to help administer its doctrine (example: religious schools were encouraged and supported by the state)
“Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." (Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf)
Stop watching Fox and you go to the library once and a while.
See ya.
This is my own answer to creatures like yourself.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito “Do not give into evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it”
And let me leave you all with another great saying and shining path not the example or path of this product of Evil and Tyrrany that goes by the name of Steve Nice Guy Northland
Ecclesiastes 10:2 states that the heart of the wise inclines to the RIGHT, but the heart of the fool to the LEFT.
So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Gal 6:9
Last but not least and please good people remember this one.
"When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force."
Steve Nice Guy Northland said…
What a lot of fanciful shit, you delusionary deadbeats.
You're the laughing stock of the world !
WOW Steve Nice Guy Northland, you have just labeled those who have commented as delusionary deadbeats.
Now I expect that your next step will be to eliminate all of the delusionary deadbeats, because you have given a clear example of the thought processes of the very same people that this film clip has provided.
The Mother land was Attacked by the Father land , both of whom believed in self as ultimate strength.Both sought to reinvent mankind in their own image, both failed brutally.Facist and Socialist can be seen in america today with the extreme[leftwingers =feminine bully ]
extreme [rightwingers =male bully] Both are wrong and driven by fear and emotion.
What a lot of fanciful shit, you delusionary deadbeats.
You're the laughing stock of the world !
Excellent. Both these "socialisms" are founded upon atheism, government being their "god". Human life is not the image and likeness of the Creator, who they refuse to ackknowlege. It is the result of an accidental quirk of nature and no more significant than the life of a horse, dog, fly, or even the existance of a rock lying on the ground. It is not regarded as "sacred" above all other things.
Therefor, there is nothing wrong in a mass killing of "human pests" who have become "enemies of the state" (their god).
Hitler's "master race" was predicated upon atheist evolution – survival of the fittest, natural selection. They thought it their right to exterminate those who they deemed "inferior" just because they were able to.
Everybody should read Sir Arthur Keith's "Ethics and Evolution" in which he describes Hitler's exagerated exploitation of the "ethical code" of human behavior within Germany, and the "cosmic code" without it. This makes it all understandable.
In answer to your question: yes to both. I think the "ignorant" part is the more dangerous of the two.
I'm just totally stunned that so many people today think Socialism/Communism is actually a 'good' thing. Are they crazy or just totally ignorant?