Runaway Slave – the Documentary, due for release 2011
Run away from the slavery of tyranny toward the blessings of liberty!
looks great!
Thanks to Nick
The Enemies Within
Runaway Slave – the Documentary, due for release 2011
Run away from the slavery of tyranny toward the blessings of liberty!
looks great!
Thanks to Nick
Copyright © 2025 Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog
This looks to be an amazing documentary. Agree with the posters in hoping for a 2010 release.
Islamic countries continue to practice slavery especially in Africa. It's in their Koran therefore admissible via Sharia Law.
Too bad this will have to wait for release in 2011 instead of now – midterm elections. I will circulate the link to this video far and wide – it should go viral.
Piggybacked to "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White", I've learned more about the deception of progressivism in the last couple of months than in the previous 50+ years. Unleash the truth.
Jim…..I debated with myself as to using just THAT wording…. but then I reasoned that the blacks who know this …live this …don't need to be told… was aimed directly at the ones who DON'T…but I do stand justly corrected ….
what a great orator. his voice reminds me of martin luther king. and yes im that old but still full pee and vinegar.
brandy i only want to add that all americans need to hear this. not just african americans.
Powerful and a truth ALL African-Americans NEED to hear….where is the movie?
EXCELLENT. I was in high school and now as we approach our 50th reunion, I am proud to say my black friends from so long ago, have made their mark by being educated, creative,and believers that their future was in their own hands.
Wonderful, powerful video. The Democrat party is the party of Slavery. It's time for our modern day "slave" to run toward freedom.
Wow. Very powerful.