Goooooooo Pamela. How to see a lot with actions rather than words.
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Pamela Gorman for Congress
August 6, 2010 7 Comments
The Enemies Within
Goooooooo Pamela. How to see a lot with actions rather than words.
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I wish this add was more about her policies and convictions and less about her ability to handle a gun.
Seriously that just reinforces the image of violence the left is trying to paint.
All I got from this add is she knows how to shoot a gun, different types of guns, and shes against taxes. Oh, and she can shoot a gun.
I think it is great she knows how to handle a gun but it doesn't need to be her platform.
Woo Hoo! You just KNOW she's got some chutzpah.
Oh, I can only imagine the teeth-gnashing and wailing from the left about her! If she gets elected the progressives will use the same Alinsky tactics to demonize her that they used on Governor Palin.
ATTA GIRL!!!! Saving America one vote at a time!
Pamela is my kind of law maker. Go Pamala GO!!
Now THAT's a candidate