Just like the Soviets, Chinese and Cubans before them, the Marxist government of Venezuela is using indigenous people to spread socialist revolution.
From Mathaba
The First International Meeting of Anti-Imperialist Indigenous Peoples of America will be held in Venezuela from August 7-9, as part of the celebrations of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples
Caracas, July 31st (ABN).- Members of the Native Peoples of the continent will meet in the First International Meeting of Anti-Imperialist Indigenous Peoples of America that will take place in Venezuela on August 7th, 8th and 9th in Anzoátegui and Bolívar states.
The Minister of People’s Power for Indigenous Peoples, Nicia Maldonado, said Monday during a press conference held from Miraflores Presidential Palace that indigenous from 22 nations will attend the Congress.
The Minister explained that the event will be held on August 9th, as part of the celebrations of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, in accordance with the United Nations (UN).
The activities will start on August 7th in the auditorium of the Venezuela-state run company (PDVSA), San Tomé PDVSA, and the closing ceremony will be held in the Indigenous Community Pemón Kumarakapay, in Bolívar state.
Minister Nicia Maldonado stressed that the agenda includes the discussion of several proposals of the Indo-American Socialism as an integrationist alternative of the peoples.
As I’ve also said many times before – you need the lunatic David Duke. I don’t. You’re on the same field, albeit at opposite ends – still fascists together. You can hide your naziism in attacks on him…..which concerns me not an iota incidentally.
You’re both fruit loops when it comes down to it.
Someone said that I’m not “chosen”.
The rotten bastard !
Please, please, grow up Mah. I’ve said many times before that you remind me of me when I was fourteen – a slogan on the lips and not a thought in the brain.
You’re an insufferable zionist fanatic ! Jewish people must cringe…..
“It’s a monstrous cheek to call me anti-semitic because I don’t uncritically swallow the fantasies of a an uptight zionist fanatic.”
So I take that this comment from you into watering down how Jews like myself are not the “Chosen People” couldn’t be more anti-Jewish?
“You’re simply sloganeering when you push the “chosen people” crap. Then without more you elevate the slogan to fact. Then you get shrewish at people for not swallowing your slogan, viz. for not swallowing notions of jewish superiority and prior-right status and for objecting to IDF:10 Palestinians:1, of course. That last one is a bad flaw of mine I confess !”
This is the same dribble coming out from the mouth of David Duke, along with a variety of neo-Nazi types. They too see how Joos like myself “happen” to control everything, how Joos like myself “oppress” the Palestinians, even though Palestinians living in Israel get the right to vote, whereas the PLO and Hamas, nor the neighboring governments for the most part wouldn’t give a damn about their civil liberties.
Still elevating your sloganeering to fact I see Mah.
It’s a monstrous cheek to call me anti-semitic because I don’t uncritically swallow the fantasies of a an uptight zionist fanatic.
“You’re simply sloganeering when you push the “chosen people” crap. Then without more you elevate the slogan to fact. Then you get shrewish at people for not swallowing your slogan, viz. for not swallowing notions of jewish superiority and prior-right status and for objecting to IDF:10 Palestinians:1, of course. That last one is a bad flaw of mine I confess !”
This statement couldn’t be more anti-Jewish/anti-Semitic. Steve, you’re nothing more than a bigoted blathering anti-Semite. With you disregarding the Jews to be the “Chosen People” exposes just that.
So unless I unequivocally accord “jewish” superior, prior-right status, in every aspect you choose to claim it, I’m anti-jewish, anti-semitic, a jew-baiter ?
Get Off The Grass Mah !
You’re simply sloganeering when you push the “chosen people” crap. Then without more you elevate the slogan to fact. Then you get shrewish at people for not swallowing your slogan, viz. for not swallowing notions of jewish superiority and prior-right status and for objecting to IDF:10 Palestinians:1, of course. That last one is a bad flaw of mine I confess !
Trying to take the “human” out of “human being” will not work Mah. Treating as mere ciphers entire sections of humanity to suit your fanatical perceptions of interest and power will not work either Mah.
You and me are different because I consciously seek to respect humanity and not virulently hate huge chunks of it as you seem to do.
And I’m not into telling people how they must proceed in their own country at whatever cost to them just to suit my perceived interests. You’re a control freak man…..and a wicked global busybody as well.
Heading back to the topic, I wonder how Chavez and other pro-indigenous/pro-Communist types could wonder how on Earth could the folks of Hong Kong, under the indigenous Chinese living there beat the mainland China on the economic scale, along with outranking Venezuela and other socialist hellholes.
Wonder how long they will put their heads in the sand, knowing that they are embracing a failed ideology, and are dooming indigenous circles to be like the likes of Robert Mugabe who turned a breadbasket of Southern Africa into a wasteland.
Also, Steve, do you talk about to all the Arab Jews whom were booted out of their homelands? From Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, etc.?
“Forgive me Mah but the jewish dentist or whatever from Portland, Oregon with his “right of return” – a mere political construct in any event – is NOT indigenous to the occupied territories.”
So I take it that you never read any history of the early founders of the modern Zionist movement? Couldn’t this be more anti-Jewish? As for the Palestinians, they were original subjects of the Ottoman Empire, and later from the other Arab Empires that conquered its Christian counterparts, when the Arabs were a tribal society in the Saudi penninsula.
“If I believe your “chosen people” crap I might think differently but it is spectacular crap and I don’t. Especially since it implies that everyone else’s gotta lie down to be raped. Won’t happen mate so forget it.”
More anti-Jewish propaganda. This rhetoric from you couldn’t be more blantantly anti-Jewish. If Jews were general Africans, trying to seek their own homeland, you would be labeled to be anti-African. If they were Asian, you would be labeled as anti-Asian. If they were Native America, you would be racist toward Native Americans. So Jews can’t have their own nation, even when they give non-Jewish members the right to vote, free speech?
“And stop whining in that stereotypical, terribly unattractive way of yours….. “
You’re the one who is stereotyping against Israeli Jews, Zionists/pro-Zionist types, Americans, Westerners, etc. I guess it’s alright for you to continue with being so unattractive toward freedom.
Forgive me Mah but the jewish dentist or whatever from Portland, Oregon with his “right of return” – a mere political construct in any event – is NOT indigenous to the occupied territories.
If I believe your “chosen people” crap I might think differently but it is spectacular crap and I don’t. Especially since it implies that everyone else’s gotta lie down to be raped. Won’t happen mate so forget it.
And stop whining in that stereotypical, terribly unattractive way of yours…..
“Pulling the old jew card there Mah. More of the Holocaust Nazi pose I see !”
So I take it that you won’t allow the Jews to go back to their ancient homeland anytime soon? How “pro-indigenous” of you. I guess some indigenous circles are more equal than others with the likes of you.
Pulling the old jew card there Mah. More of the Holocaust Nazi pose I see !
If indigenous folks can manage their own country, fine. But don’t tell me how “great” all of them can be, when you get folks like Robert Mugabe coming out of the wood works.
“How utterly outrageous that indigenous governments elected by the indigenous peoples they represent should proceed with indigenous interests to the fore !”
So according to you, you’re not anti-indigenous when you don’t allow the recognition of the Jewish homeland-Israel?
“I’ve told you before – nationalism inimical to US “global nationalism” is patently repugnant, inhuman, and dangerous.”
Keep on calling America the “Great Satan”. I’m pretty sure your boy Hugo and his pals sit oh so comfortably with dictators like Putin and Hu.
its about time native american indians took their homeland BACK!!
kia kaha
How utterly outrageous that indigenous governments elected by the indigenous peoples they represent should proceed with indigenous interests to the fore !
I’ve told you before – nationalism inimical to US “global nationalism” is patently repugnant, inhuman, and dangerous.
It is even worse when cynically clothed in the vestments of democracy.
It must be stopped !
ever consider that indiginous groups are the main ones likely to be revolutionary and they do it ether marxists are around or not (the nz land wars, the battle of wounded knee, the mohawk nation resistance in cananda, tino rangatiratanga….)
hugo chaves and evo morales are both indigenous, they are reclaiming the homeland, victory to them.