This bunch of looneys and radicals plan to to disrupt the National Party conference in Auckland this weekend.
Let’s hope some of the blue rinse ladies bring their brollies to beat the Bolsheviks black and blue.
From Whenua, Fenua, Enua, Vanua
ImagineNative Action, in collaboration with Radical Youth, is organising an action this weekend to protest the presence of Alexander Downer at the National Party Conference being held at the Langham Hotel in central Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland). We want to send a clear message to Alexander Downer and the National Party that we do not support the Australian Colonial Government’s recent military/police invasion of Aboriginal Lands.
More importantly we wish to stand in solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of Occupied Australia as this plays a vital role in lifting the spirits of the Aboriginal People, strengthening their will to resist the colonial invasion and economic exploitation of their lands.
Saturday August 4th
2.30pm Mass demo against Downer and the National Party. Meet corner of Symonds Street and K’rd to march on the Langham Hotel, Symonds Street.
7.00pm: Disrupt Downer’s Dinner.
Meet corner of Karangahape Road and Symonds Street, Auckland.
Bring musical instruments (especially taonga puoro – traditional Maori instruments) and noise makers. Some kai will be provided but donations are always welcome!
Since Don Brash resigned as National Party leader the National Party has put in a lot effort to convince us that they care about Tangata Whenua, the environment, and the poor of Aotearoa. Alexander Downer is a leading representative of a colonial government that has invaded Indigenous lands, supported similar actions in Indonesia and supplied troops to the invasion/occupation of Iraq. His government has publicly advocated using Aboriginal lands for large scale mining and nuclear waste dumping operations.
Downer’s presence at the National conference clearly shows that National hasn’t changed at all. It is still a party that endorses racism against indigenous people and represents the interests of the rich and powerful, at the expense of ordinary people and our whenua.
As it is likely that National will form the next colonial government of Aotearoa it is essential they know we will not tolerate racist and exploitative policies such as those enacted by Alexander Downer and his government.
Endorsed by:
ImagineNative Action
Radical Youth
Indonesia Human Rights Committee
A Space Inside: Tamaki Makaurau Anarchist Collective
Global Peace and Justice Auckland (GPJA)
Reminder: A planning and banner making session for this action is being held this Wednesday, August 1st from 7pm at 43 Warwick Ave, Westmere (Look for the Tino Rangatiratanga flag). Bring red, black and yellow paint, banner materials.
As always some kai will be provided but koha always welcome!
na Te Kanikani Tangata Hara (ImagineNative Action) & Nila Yung (Radical Youth)
Weakling !
“I never get upset Mah.”
What a lie this certainly is, with your treatment toward me and anyone else who has different opinions.
“You’re not really about to become an endangered species are you Mah… much as I think that’d be a plus for the world ?”
And apparently, this isn’t a brand of totalitarianism, but you lecture how “totalitarian” I am.
I never get upset Mah. I just object to know-it-all nga wahanui (big mouths) like you squatting at your keyboard in NY plotting the world’s fate according to what YOU want OTHER people in THEIR countries to do.
At whatever cost to THEM. Like they’re mere cyphers and hardly human. Arrogant, unseeing little toad !
You’re not really about to become an endangered species are you Mah… much as I think that’d be a plus for the world ?
Do we really have to suffer yet again your “weep, weep, he’s bullying me..” shit ?
“Mah you really do have a monstrous cheek even mentioning the word “democracy”. Every visitor to this blog site knows that.”
I am pretty sure your support for allowing brutal dictatorships in Southeast Asia to rise must be quite “grand”.
“You are the zionist fanatic for whom democracy is meaningless, even evil, unless it’s political beneficiaries are to your liking. Which of course is to work actively against democracy.”
You’re a Jew-Zionist-baiter who can’t come up with something original. There is more of your idiotic projectionism, when you have supported Palestinian terrorism all the way which is not but the least democratic. If any supporter of Zionism were “anti-democratic”, why do Palestinian Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do in any other place in the Middle East?
“Again I have to ask you to grow up Mah – get learned – acknowledge humanity and your own powerlessness against it.”
You grow up Steve. Your rants are childish and uneducated. They do not make sense most of the time. You blantantly become upset whenever anyone talks about being against Communist movements being affiliated with other radical causes.
Apparently, that’s not anti-democratic of you to oppose, bully, harass them to until they become an endangered species.
Mah you really do have a monstrous cheek even mentioning the word “democracy”. Every visitor to this blog site knows that.
You are the zionist fanatic for whom democracy is meaningless, even evil, unless it’s political beneficiaries are to your liking. Which of course is to work actively against democracy.
Again I have to ask you to grow up Mah – get learned – acknowledge humanity and your own powerlessness against it.
Hope you enjyed yourselves getting soaked while everyone else was nice and dry inside 😉
The protests turned out really well. Got quite good numbers despite bad weather. Made heaps of noise in the pouring rain at the evening one.
That’s more than a little ironic Mah, considering we’ve the occasional claims around here that anyone who is less than a rigid classical liberal is a danger to national security.
A bit of public protest is no harm, especially with how well Key seems to be doing at selling himself at odds with his true position as something of a social conservative.
“it doesnt matter where they hide – people will attack them in parliament, in the streets and anywhere they go – the ultra right are wrong :)”
So anonymous, you justify turning the Right-wing in New Zealand into an endangered species? What brand of democracy is that?
it doesnt matter where they hide – people will attack them in parliament, in the streets and anywhere they go – the ultra right are wrong 🙂
imagine what act can do as it moves closer to labour!!!!!!!!!! sellout would be one thing.
it could also not make it in next election and give us all a good laugh.
ps why do u support the nats conference – arent they anti libertarian? or is it just that they are right wing neo liberals?
ps there will be anarchists, maori and many others besides marxists trev – sorry to burst your bubble
I heard that they moved the meeting and the Dinner to The Hilton. SO they will probablt be protesting the wrong place
“20! Yeah that would be a good number. Jesus only had 12 guys with him and it’s amazing what they managed to achieve.”
Were the disciples leftists?
The radical left has decided to give the National Party a public relations gift. Whenever the radical freakazoid left comes out to protest in full regalia it has the opposite of it’s intended effect. Especially when these so-called paragons of non-violence change start vandalizing shops and attacking police.
I hope thousands of freakazoids show up and riot. Nothing turns off the moderate political middle more than radical leftists trashing and stinking up their beloved cities.
Many political analysts believe the radical leftist riots at the Democratic convention in 1968 turned the election in Nixon’s favor.
I don’t concern myself with the freakazoid radical left. They are their own worst enemies. It’s the radicals who wear a suit and tie that are the real danger.
Good Question Cam !
Now, can’t you narrow fullas just accept that this is all part of the normal fabric of our free speech society.
See, you guys give yourselves away. If it’s not a question of “manners” (Hone Harawira), well it’s a question of some other half-arsed, right wing (parading as libertarian) consideration.
Anyway, Downer’s a mealy mouthed rather too sniffy toff type whom I have nor respect for whatsoever, so all power to them !
PS: still strange how you attack young, brown and poor with such veiled persistence Trev.
Imagine what Rodney and Heather can do with ACT’s members, cameron.
Especially if we get the 5,000 new members we are aiming for.
20! Yeah that would be a good number. Jesus only had 12 guys with him and it’s amazing what they managed to achieve.
I must ask Trev do you feel a bit jealous of the Nats, considering no activist could be bothered protesting an ACT conference these days.
Lol. They’ll no doubt get the standard unwashed rent-a-mob collection of 20 or so hippies and deadbeats you normally see at these things.