From Cuba’s La Prensa Latina
Caracas, May 19 President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez said on Saturday that his country is not only struggling for its independence and sovereignty, but also for the fate of humankind.
He spoke at the opening of International Meetings convened here by multi-state Telesur channel under the theme “The right of every citizen to inform and be informed.”
Chavez stressed that what is happening here is not only for the sake of Venezuela, but for sovereignty and independence around the world. “It is in fact a battle in which all humankind is at stake,” he said.
He explained that the simple sovereign action of failing to renew the concession for private Radio Caracas Television channel (RCTV) has triggered a world battle around the Bolivarian Revolution.
New Zeal
Perhaps some of our local Chavistas could explain why their hero has just failed to renew the licence of the main opposition TV channel (RCTV)
Anybody brave enough to support Presiident Chavez’s action?