The would be totalitarians of the EU are building a relationship with the “actually existing” totalitarians of Beijing. The EU shows its commitment to human rights by effectively abandoning Taiwan to the Communist Party of China.
From the People’s Daily Online
China and the European Union (EU) announced on Wednesday the official launch of talks on a new pact, an apparent effort from the two sides to reinforce their strategic partnership.
The announcement of the launch of the Partnership Cooperation Agreement (PCA), was made at a joint press conference held by Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing and visiting EU counterpart Benita Ferrero-Waldner.
“The agreement will provide a comprehensive basis covering the whole range of the political, economic and trade relationship between China and the European Union,” Waldner said.
She told reporters that the new agreement would cover 22 sectors, including energy, environment, trade and human rights.
“I agree with Waldner’s comments, that China and the EU are not only trade partners, but all-round strategic partners. We share broad common interests and common positions,” said Li.
He said the joint efforts of China and the EU will also be conducive to world peace and common development.
Li also expressed his appreciation for the EU’s adherence to the one-China policy.
“I hope the EU side can make concerted efforts with China to combat Taiwan independence and jointly safeguard the peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, in the Asian and Pacific region and the whole world,” Li said.
Of course China and the EU has close relations. Half of the EU is made up of “former” Communist nations in Eastern Europe.