Surfing the web for information about the Marxist takeover of Brazil, I came across three very interesting blogs.
The first is Swimming Against the Red Tide by Luís Afonso Assumpção.
Luis is from Porto Alegre Brazil, a longtime stronghold of Marxist President “Lula’s Workers Party.
He describes his blog as “A web based “message in bottle” written by a brazilian right-conservative blogger almost drowned by the giant socialist-totalitarian tsunami that’s flooding Brazil.”
Luis also contributes to Blogs Coligados, a “group blog getting Latin American bloggers together in defense of democracy and liberty“.
Some contributors are from Brazil, some from Venezuela, others from the US. Most blog in English and all focus on the socialist revolutions sweeping Latin America. They provide inside information we could never get from the MSM.
Also linked to Blogs Coligados is a very interesting Canadian blog Once Upon a Time in the West, which focuses heavily on the world communist movement.
The author follows closely (as do I) the theories of senior KGB defector Anatoly Golitsyn. Far from being a dead cause, Golitsyn argues that communism staged its own “death” in a well co-ordinated and very long term disinformation exercise.
The aim was to lull and divide the West, then to economically strengthen and eventually re-unify the communist bloc for a final showdown with what was left of the “main enemy”.
The author is a very good researcher and his (or her) blog is a must read for anyone interested in global politics.
Check them out.
You’re welcome Luis. It is very valuable to hear what’s going on in Latin America without the MSM filter.
Thanks for your kind words regarding to my humble blog.
Best regards, Trevor.