In believe, South Africa under its South African Communist Party dominated government ois intent on playing a larger military role in Southern Africa. I also think its armaments industry will play a major role in supplying anti Western regimes, in Latin America and the Islamic countries in years to come.
From IOL 20.9.06
A new majority black-owned and controlled South African defence company, Ngwane Defence Group, was launched on Wednesday by Transport Minister Jeff Radebe.
Launching the company at the Africa Aerospace and Defence exhibition, being held at the Ysterplaat Air Force Base in Cape Town, Radebe said Ngwane would bring together long-standing expertise drawn from former commanders of Umkhonto we Sizwe and the SANDF, including industry experience.
“This rich experience, drawn from individuals who saw active service in the conflict of the 1980s and played leadership roles in the reconstruction of defence after 1991, provides Ngwane Defence Group with unique depth because, as we know, the design and development of military systems must draw on practical operational experience,” Radebe said.
The group’s main focus areas are in the fields of mine- and ballistic protected vehicles, small- and medium calibre infantry weapons, soft-skinned all-terrain vehicles and innovative supply chain solutions for defence, security and humanitarian aid clients.
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