As a “joke” the Green Party’s “Frogblog” published these gems from the 1996 “Decadent Action Manual”
Check out a few witty and tasteful excerpts.
“Government sponsorship is always a nice way to fund a spending spree. This comes in many forms – dole money, business start up grants, blackmail and bribery are all money for nothing. Try seeing how quickly you can blow your dole cheque in a cocktail bar.”
‘Terrorism and violence against the state can be fun but make sure you get the right tools for the job. Sawn off shot guns are crude and could snag your clothes. In short, if you’re going to shoot a cop – make sure you use a nice gun.’
“Sort out the right heroes and influences – take a tip from us and spend the day of the next general election in bed with a jug of your favourite cocktail, a Combustible Edison soundtrack and read up on Baader, Meinhoff, Chomsky, Susie Bright, Harry Roberts, Valerie Solanas, Viv Nicholson and troublemakers the world over. The odd few pence on a meagre minimum wage is not our concern when we want to bring the whole system crashing down.”
The Baader- Meinhof gang were of course a band of Soviet supported Marxist terrorists who kidnapped and murdered their way across Germany in the ’70s
Harry Roberts murdered three policemen in England in 1966.
Valerie Solanas once attempted to murder pop artist Andy Warhol with a handgun. She also founded “SCUM”, the Society for Cutting Up Men.
Noam Chomsky is an American anarcho-socialist-linguist-propagandist who was. with Keith Locke an ardent member of the Khmer Rouge fan club.
Good on you Frogblog for letting us in on your secret little fantasies and fetishes