Every time I undertake a tour of the United States, I appeal for some financial support. In all four of my previous lecture/book tours it has been generously given. I’m hoping that spirit will prevail again. But that’s up to you.

As I’m about to embark on my 5th tour in August, I’m appealing again.
From August 9th, I will be in the U.S. for 90 days speaking and promoting my new book “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress.”

I’ll be speaking in more than a dozen states this trip including Colorado, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Wisconsin and Michigan. I hope to cover most other states in two trips in 2014. I’ll be speaking to around 60 groups in this time, plus doing many interviews for radio, TV and print.
Any extra money up front will enable big savings on airfares, hotel rooms, car rentals, etc. My tours are run very frugally and are mainly funded by book sales and your generous donations.
I’m coming to expose those who want to destroy America, but even more importantly, to encourage those working to save the last best hope of mankind.
Please check out my well received short essay How the Tea Party Can Save America and the World – a Plea from New Zealand.
We are in a war for survival right now and it’s no exaggeration to say that the fate of Western Civilization hangs on what happens in America in the next few years. All of us who value liberty need to do what we can to help.
You may help make this tour a great success by contributing through this button. Please support someone with a proven record of supporting America and the US Constitution – even though he is a proud New Zealander.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours in Liberty,
Trevor Loudon
New Zealand
“Trevor Loudon does the job that few in the media ever attempt” – Glenn Beck
We had the pleasure of a visit and speaking appearance from Trevor just over a year ago. I can assure you, it is a great experience and he has a lot to share.
Mr. Loudon,
I am happy to open my home to you and some staff while you are in Atlanta. I have extra bedrooms and live in a nice suburb of Atlanta.
I am a criminal defense attorney and an active member in my synagogue, Kol Emeth.
My phone number 404-688-8400.
Cathy Alterman