Tag: Judd Saul
WATCH TRAILER: COMING APRIL 28: #AmericaUnderSiege: Soviet Islam (video)
The next episode in Capital Research Center’s five-part “America Under Siege” webseries, “Soviet Islam,” releases April 28th on its YouTube channel and DangerousDocumentaries.com. The film uncovers…
Iowa Berniecrat Chris Schwartz claims that his house was vandalized by Christians
Iowan Chris Schwartz has alleged that vandalism found at his property on Thursday is the work of citizens influenced by “hateful rhetoric” of a Christian patriot group who…
#LoudonClear: Tonight’s Special Guest Director Judd Saul (Audio)
Trevor Loudon hosts special guest “Enemies Within” Director Judd Saul on this week’s #LoudonClear. Listen:
WATCH: Funding update for #EnemiesWithin Movie (video)
Do you think a movie would be a good tool for people to use to show their families and friends about the dangers of radical…
WATCH! Help Trevor expose the #EnemiesWithin!! (video)
People always ask Trevor Loudon what can be done to wake Americans up to the very real dangers of radical elements infiltrating the government. Loudon has written…
Thanks for helping us to fund “The Enemies Within”
When we recorded this last night we had 5% of our goal. Thanks to very generous donations overnight we are past 10% Thanks so much…
Important message from Trevor Loudon and Judd Saul of the #EnemiesWithin!
A political documentary that will expose key anti-American forces in the highest levels of the US government is nearing completion. We need your help to…
Trevor Speaks with Presidential Candidates in Iowa
Trevor Loudon was honored to speak with presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) and former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) at the Iowa Grassroots…
Must See!!! UNFAIR Movie Premieres October 14, in a Theater Near You!!!
“The IRS has become a criminal enterprise” – Mike Huckabee. I’ve seen a preview of this movie and its great. Finally some culture warriors had…
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