Category: Socialist Opinion Shapers
Posted in Barack Obama Liberty Middle East North America Radical Islam Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers
April 18, 2011 Leave a comment
NoisyRoom By: AJ President Obama placed our soldiers under UN NATO control for his war in Libya without consulting the United States Congress. Using our…
Explosive Bill Ayers Interview: John McCain is a War Criminal & the Pentagon is a Terror Organization
April 16, 2011 1 Comment
NoisyRoom From: NakedEmperorNews
Posted in Barack Obama International Liberty Middle East North America Radical Islam Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers Unions
The Council Has Spoken!!
April 15, 2011 1 Comment
From: The Watcher’s Council The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast and the results are in for this week, carved eternally in tablets…
Socialist Opinion Shapers 2, Harold Meyerson, Propagandist and Obama Enabler
April 12, 2011 3 Comments
I have contended for some time that President Barack Obama owes his political career to three Marxist organizations, Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for…
Socialist Opinion Shapers 1 John Nichols, Propagandist and Rabble Rouser
February 28, 2011 1 Comment
The founder of an organization that has influenced the Obama Administration’s media and information policy, is both reporting on and leading the labor union/socialist occupation…
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