By: Thomas Wigand
It is said that our God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps mysterious to we mere humans, but not to Him – He will reward, punish, deliver from evil and so much more, in accord with His infinite wisdom, and Divine justice.
In recent years, many of us who believe that we are blessed to live in a Divinely-inspired nation have lived with the haunting feeling that this nation is in the beginning stages of a great reckoning (if not End Times).
That this country has strayed sooo far into the depths of Progressive culture – its secularism, celebration of deviant sexual practices and mass murder of babies in the womb (and now, in some states, after birth) – certainly warrants a great reckoning.
Yet the Bible tells us that if enough people repent, and seek His mercy, it will be granted. Since the coup (stolen election) of November 2020, this writer’s nightly prayer has included the following: “Please hear our prayers; please deliver this country from the Satanic evil of Collectivism that has seized control of it; please let the evildoers responsible be identified and brought to justice; please let the resulting revelations cause the scales to fall from tens of millions of our fellow-citizens’ eyes, and in turn, be the catalyst for a new Great Awakening, in this land and across the globe.”
This is being shared not from a sense braggadocio, but as an illustration, for millions of us have been calling upon our Lord for the same.
Maybe, just maybe, our prayers are being answered! After all, “mysterious ways” – can that not include the wholly improbable?
Such as the <ahem> troubled son of the current occupant of the White House having deposited a laptop with years’ worth of incriminating data (stretching back to the Obama administration) at some obscure computer repair shop?
And then forgetting about it? And the owner of that shop eventually examining it, and realizing that this was a law enforcement matter? And calling the FBI, which at first tried to ignore the call?
Our Lord gives even egregious sinners the opportunity to repent and make things right. The FBI could have conducted a thorough counter-intelligence operation, it could have provided the exonerating evidence of no collusion by President Trump with “the Russians.” Instead, the laptop got the same treatment as Anthony Weiner’s – ignored, if not disposed of.
What are the odds of the shop owner having the discernment to make a copy of the hard drive before handing it over to the FBI (once-upon-a-time considered to be the premier law enforcement agency in the country)? What are the odds that this shop owner would then find exactly the right white hats to whom to provide a copy?
What are the odds that among those white hats are a few crucial individuals who notwithstanding the forces arrayed against them, have demonstrated the fortitude and perseverance to go through that hard drive, including deleted material, and found all of damning evidence of human trafficking, drug abuse, conspiracy to commit treason, and actual commission of treason against this country? Not just in words, but in audio and video evidence. (A picture is worth a thousand words, is it not?)
What are the odds that those stalwart individuals, along the way, gave other individuals and institutions the opportunity to “do the right thing” – only to find that those parties, like the FBI, chose the dark. Is God not watching?
What are the odds that the laptop, dropped off before the 2020 election, had as its “big guy” the current occupant of the White House – installed after a stolen election?
Would not the identities and the crimes committed evidenced on that laptop presumably arc-over the stolen election, and into the current Oval Office? So, could not the whole cabal of enemies foreign and domestic responsible be exposed? So too with those who could have done the right thing along the way, but chose the dark – could they not now also be exposed?
Could this sequence of events have occurred but for the Hand of Providence? I think not. This may be the “laptop from hell,” but this unlikely sequence of events is heavenly. It may indeed be an evidentiary “Rosetta Stone” that enables taking-down the entire corrupt and treasonous mass.
Is the laptop really that damning? YES. Which brings us to the main purpose of this article: to introduce you to a critically important series of interviews with two of those white hats, posted within recent days.
A current interview series by Mary Grace with Sam Faddis and Jack Maxey should be seen and shared by every American (links below in chronological order).
This is said without hyperbole or exaggeration – these are long-form interviews of 1- 2 hours per, so you will need to invest some time – but it’s like ingesting a “red pill” a minute as you watch. How the copies came into their hands, how they are compiling into a searchable format – and what they’ve discovered, and continue to discover – is mind-boggling. Too much to even scratch the surface here – you just have to watch for yourself.
We are not just witnessing a period of momentous history, we are living it. Be a part, do your part, watch these interviews, and then help spread the word.
A final note: toward the end of the April 3, 2022 episode, Mr. Faddis shares a comment made by a non-U.S. citizen about why they’re working on Maxey’s team, and also what some nearby nuns are doing to support. If you’re like me, you will find your eyes dampening a bit (in a good way).
March 21, 2022: Sam Faddis Installment One:
March 23, 2022: Jack Maxey Installment One:
March 28, 2022: Sam Faddis Installment Two:
April 2, 2022: Jack Maxey Installment Two:
April 3, 2022: Sam Faddis Installment Three:
I am the author of the book Communiqués From the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy – available on Kindle ($2.99) and in paperback ($12.99). Please consider enjoying my work by purchasing and reading. Thank you.
Hi Cree,
I assume that you are inquiring of Mr. Loudon (not me). Here’s a link from this website about how to inquire of him:
I’ve seen him speak on multiple occasions – you won’t be disappointed!
Thank you for this article, it is excellent.
My name is Cree Haag and I am V.P. of the West Orange Republican Women’s Federated Club in Orlando
I would like to invite you to come speak at one of our luncheon/meetings when your schedule permits.
We have July 14th open, August 11th. Please let me know also the following:
What is your speakers fee?
Where would you be traveling from/
What would be your needs…book table, projection/power point?
I can send more details if you are interested.
Thank you,
Cree Haag