By: Cliff Kincaid
“Abortion Is Health Care” was the actual headline over an email I received from the Center for American Progress, with a message quoting a young woman as saying, “I celebrate my abortion, and no one can take that away from me.” This is today’s “progressive” point of view. The actual destruction of a human being is passed off as “health care.”
Such viewpoints also make their way into “news” stories. The quote about celebrating abortion was actually taken from a story in Teen Vogue, a magazine devoted to fashion, beauty, and entertainment news for teens.
Another example is the phrase “common-sense gun safety measures.” This means taking away Second Amendment rights from law-abiding citizens.
To cite another recent example, consider the phrase “gender-affirming” when discussing surgeries and chemical castration that are used on children. The media agenda today is to glorify perversion and make kids into pawns of the sexual revolution. They promote an industry, much like the abortion industry, which profits from destroying the biological basis of human life.
The agenda is either to kill kids or make them into something they are not. By any objective measure, this is child exploitation and child abuse.
As a veteran media critic, I’ve gotten pretty good at documenting the insidious inventory of slanted journalism techniques that constitute media bias. I have written many books on media misdeeds, including media malpractice – that is, deliberate deception or bias through gross negligence. But the media bias today has sunk even lower, to the extent of masking harm to children in benign and even favorable terms.
It is shocking that some Republicans have fallen for it.
Exhibit number one is a story from the fashionable and corporate-supporting Axios, a media outlet on the cutting edge of societal transformation, about “transgender children.” The story, by somebody named Orion Rummler, is one of the best examples of a style of “journalism” that is designed to undermine everything that is wholesome and good about growing up as boys and girls, based on DNA and the biological facts of life.
Here’s how it began: “Arkansas’ Republican-controlled House and Senate on Tuesday overrode GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s veto of a bill that criminalizes gender-affirming care for transgender children.”
The bill was the “Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act.”
Writing for the Washington Post, an unusual outlet for a conservative governor, Hutchinson claimed he was for limited government and opposed to making the state into “the definitive oracle” in such matters.
Medical Experiments on Minors
But as Tucker Carlson noted in a debate with the governor, one can say the same thing about laws that prohibit minors from drinking beer and getting married. Carlson asked, “Okay, then why are we preventing kids from drinking? Sincere question — or getting married? Sincere question. Having sex? They’re not old enough to have sex, but they’re old enough to be chemically castrated? How does that work exactly?”
The term “gender-affirming” is actually DNA denial, a form of child abuse that exploits children so they can be made into cogs of the ongoing sexual revolution that is now expanding on the basis of the deranged belief that boys can be girls, and vice versa.
Not one critic of this insidious practice of sexual mutilation of young people was quoted in the piece. Instead, sexual activists and doctors in the business, as well as the ACLU, are quoted in favor of somehow changing boys into girls.
In order to understand this form of Cultural Marxism, please note the case of the Harvard-educated Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, about whom a psychiatric report said his mental state had deteriorated to the point where he had “fantasies of being a female” and “became convinced that he should undergo sex-change surgery.” This modern-day Luddite staged an 18-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured many more before his capture by the FBI in 1996.
Today, such bizarre thoughts are apparently considered completely normal by the Democratic Party and Republicans like Hutchinson.
The founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was a member of the Communist Party who wore a dress and promoted the North American Man-Boy Love Association and the occult. He divorced his wife, after being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, before heading off on his perverted journey, finally declaring himself to be a “Radical Faerie.”
Or consider Leslie Feinberg, a male-to-female transgender member of the Workers World Party who also pioneered this “lifestyle.” Feinberg was described by his supporters as “an anti-racist white, working-class, secular Jewish, transgender, lesbian, female, revolutionary communist.”
Another prominent advocate of “transgender liberation” is Bradley/Chelsea Manning, the former U.S. Army analyst sentenced to prison for espionage for his/her collaboration in the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of top-secret intelligence reports. Former President Obama commuted Manning’s sentence, which was originally 35 years in prison for espionage, after only seven years in prison. Manning was an open homosexual in the Army before deciding to become a woman.
Be All You Can Be
Today, under China Joe, men can be women in the Armed Forces, with the surgeries paid for by the American taxpayers.
One can argue that adults in the civilian sector should have the “right” to try to change genders, even though their DNA remains the same DNA they were born with. But children? The obvious agenda is to confuse and capture the youth, making them into cannon fodder for the revolution – and to vote Democrat.
These are confused young people, some of whom go through phases, who wonder about their sexuality. They need parental help and counseling. Most will outgrow their delusions.
It would have been appropriate for Axios reporter Orion Rummler to have quoted the ex-transgender Walt Heyer about the young people he has counseled who regret being forced to go through “transgender” surgeries and chemical treatments. His website is “Sex Change Regret.” He was on my TV program talking about the destructive nature of transgenderism.
It was easy to find a story about this reporter in college participating in transgender events. The name on his Twitter page includes the words, “He/him, trans man.” Links are made to the groups “Trans Journalists Association” and “The Association of LGBTQ Journalists,” known as NLGJA.
The journalistic associations devoted to these special interest causes make sure reporters toe the line.
But no pressure was needed here.
Rummler went through a “training program” with the Association of LGBTQ Journalists and also says, “I wrote a story covering the LGBTQ community in Palm Springs, California during the NLGJA’s 2018 conference and received mentorship from reporters and editors with the New York Times, AP, and Fox News.”
Despite the good work of people like Tucker Carlson on this issue, Fox News has always been a financial backer of the NLGJA.
Journalists are Activists and Advocates
The biased Axios reporter, with an obvious special interest in the issue, gets his/her stories picked up by CBS News, spreading this disinformation of a sexual nature in ways that compound the damage. Another such story by the same reporter: “Pentagon to cover gender-affirming medical care for trans service members.”
Here’s another story by the same reporter carried by Yahoo! News: “Biden issues first-ever presidential proclamation for Trans Day of Visibility.”
The term “gender-affirming” is propaganda that obscures the reality of DNA as the most fundamental level of being a human being.
From a religious perspective, beyond science and human biology, one can argue that this is a full-blown assault on God’s plan for the human family.
The Axios story followed another such obscenity from CNN on the same topic, and you may have heard about this one. The article by CNN breaking news and politics reporter Devan Cole claimed, “It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.”
A quick search also disclosed political activities by this “journalist” when he was in college at George Washington University.
These are current examples of “bias” that fall into the realm of dishonest story-telling that is designed to make the themes of Cultural Marxism acceptable to Americans. These “journalists” are doing real damage to young people.
Exposing these lies is a critical part of the process of restoring our nation to moral and spiritual health.
*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.
Outstanding, Cliff.