Source: Leo Hohmann, by Leo Hohmann, July 2018
A Muslim woman who is running for Congress says she has plans to expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in a way that would shield “communities of color” from a whole host of negative outcomes, including racial profiling by police, utility shutoffs for delinquent bill-payers and the denial of a bank loan based on a bad credit score.
Rashida Tlaib, a 41-year-old attorney born and raised in Detroit by Palestinian immigrant parents, made history as Michigan’s first Muslim woman elected to the state legislature in 2008, winning two more terms after that. Now, she is looking for a promotion to the U.S. Congress, running in a special election for the seat vacated by disgraced Detroit Congressman John Conyers, who was forced to resign earlier this year after being accused of sexually harassing and molesting multiple women.
Conyers’ post, Michigan’s District 13, is a safe seat for Democrats that includes most of Detroit and Wayne County. But Tlaib is seeking to stand out from the crowded Democrat field by promising to offer a smorgasbord of unprecedented government freebies set aside exclusively for minorities.
Tlaib held a 4-to-1 fundraising advantage over her closest opponent, Westland Mayor Bill Wild, after the first quarter of 2018 by raising nearly $600,000.
Learn more about Rashida Tlaib, visit her campaign’s website.
She, along with Abdul Mohamed El-Sayed, who is running for governor of Michigan, is part of a new generation of young Muslims seeking to win political office by catering to a coalition of liberal blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, LGBTQs, college students and left-leaning women. This group also includes Ilhan Omar, the Somali woman seeking to fill a seat being vacated by Rep. Keith Ellison in Minnesota, where Ellison is running for attorney general, and Tahirah Amatul-Wadud, a black Muslim woman running for the District 1 congressional seat in Massachusetts.
Check out the glorious tweet issued by Minnesota’s Omar on the Fourth of July.
Sending the ‘middle finger’ to Trump
But, judging by their divisive rhetoric, it’s difficult to tell if these Muslim candidates are more devoted to Muhammad or Marx.

his wife, is running for governor of
Michigan as a Democrat.
In a May interview with the Detroit Free Press, El-Sayed likened his gubernatorial campaign in Michigan to “a 215-pound middle finger to Donald Trump.”
That hate-filled rhetoric extends not only to Trump but to anyone who supports him.
El-Sayed stated at a recent debate that Muslims “definitely hate” Patrick Colbeck, the GOP gubernatorial candidate in Michigan whose policies most closely resemble those of Trump. El-Sayed said that, if elected, he will transform Michigan into a sanctuary state, just like California, rolling out the welcome mat for criminal illegal migrants.
Michigan has the nation’s highest concentration of Arab-Americans, the majority of whom are Muslim. Tapping into that deep pocket of Islamic voters in states like Michigan, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Texas and Florida has been a stated goal of Muslim groups such as EMGAGE, MPAC and JETPAC, all of which are pooling their resources to elect Muslims to public office nationwide in the November 2018 elections.
Even the liberal Detroit Free Press has indicated that El-Sayed’s candidacy for governor is more about “changing the national political conversation” by taking a slap at Trump than it is about helping Michigan solve its unique public-policy challenges.
Tlaib, El-Sayed, Omar and Amatul-Wadud all have the backing of people and entities tied to the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, including EMGAGE, MPAC and the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
The rewriting of the Civil Rights Act proposed by Tlaib would allow pre-ordained “victims” to file punitive civil-rights lawsuits against state and local governments, police departments, banks, utilities and other businesses based on a so-called “disparate impact” on minorities. This means that the government or business could be deemed guilty of discriminatory practices merely by mathematical equations, without any proof of racial bias or ill intent.
For example, if blacks make up 30 percent of a county’s population but the county jail has a racial makeup of 60 percent blacks, that could be grounds for a racial bias lawsuit. The same goes for a bank’s foreclosure ratio or a city’s water shut-off ratio for various minorities. It must not exceed the racial makeup of the city, county or state or it will be called into question.
The changes would help to end practices such as “refusing car and home loans or insurance to people who live in low-income areas and have low credit scores; law enforcement profiling; sentencing inconsistencies; the use of credit scores to determine qualification for loans, insurance or employment; shutoffs of water and utility services and unfair tax assessments and foreclosures,” the Detroit News reports.
Tlaib admits such a law would be difficult to pass through Congress but promises to continue introducing the bill every year until it passes.

“Absolutely, it’s going to take me years, possibly several tries to succeed,” she told the News. But expanding the 55-year-old Civil Rights Act in such a way is something the Democratic base in Michigan’s 13th District would likely support, according to the newspaper.
It’s also something supported by Muslim Brotherhood offshoots such as EMGAGE PAC, which is raising money for Tlaib from outside the state. EMGAGE has a major fundraiser planned for her in Florida on Saturday, July 14.
In a flyer promoting the event, EMGAGE says Tlaib “aims to represent us at the federal level by serving economic justice to working-class people, expanding healthcare coverage, and increasing access to higher education.”
EMGAGE admits in the flyer that it is seeking to develop a “national network” of like-minded Muslims who will win political offices under the Democrat banner. It states:
“As Muslims, we must uplift each others’ voices not just in our own communities, but across the country. Michigan is one of the U.S states most heavily populated with Muslims and is therefore a vital part of our national network.
“Rashida Tlaib represents our values and wants to bring them to the U.S congress. We need to make sure we don’t miss this opportunity to play our part and make that happen.”
Imagine if Catholics or evangelicals sent out messages like this, encouraging the flock to contribute money toward the development of a “national network” of Catholic or evangelical politicians. It would be considered overtly xenophobic and small-minded, says Dick Manasseri, who is active in the Republican Party and a resident of Rochester Hills, Michigan.
Manasseri said El-Sayed has been captured on tape early in his campaign describing himself as “left of left” and Michigan voters are not aware of just how far left and how anti-Jewish El-Sayed would be. He served as vice president of the rabidly anti-Semitic Muslim Student Association while studying medicine at the University of Michigan and his wife, Sarah, was president of the MSA. But they seek to downplay that part of their agenda during the campaign, Manasseri said.
“Abdul, as well as Rashida, are emphasizing their Bernie Sander’s qualities, hoping voters will not focus on their Muslim allegiance,” Manasseri said. “They are outspoken Democratic Socialists while quietly Sharia-compliant.”
Even if he loses, El-Sayed is only 33 years old and will no doubt run again for political office. Some have already crowned him the Democrat Party’s “next Obama.”
El-Sayed’s candidacy has been endorsed by the Muslim mother of hate, Linda Sarsour, who spews invective at the world’s only Jewish state at every opportunity and admonishes Muslims in America to not assimilate or accept American culture as anything but evil. She was a co-leader of the Women’s March on Washington that protested Trump before he’d even made his first policy move and more recently has been joining protests against ICE and any enforcement of existing immigration laws.
The Democrat Party’s ability to deliver “left of left” candidates in primary elections must be taken seriously following the stunning victory last month of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over the fourth-highest ranking member of the Democrats’ House leadership team, Rep. Joseph Crowley in New York’s 14th Congressional District. Ocasio-Cortez, only 28 and a former Bernie Sanders campaign organizer, is part of the party’s “changing of the guard,” noted the New York Times. She openly advocates for not just liberalizing immigration laws, but abolishing them.
Tlaib is singing to the same choir when she talks about passing laws that would force banks and utilities to stop enforcing rules for certain protected classes – rules that have applied to everyone forever, such as the need to have good credit in order to qualify for a loan or keep your water turned on.
Among these younger candidates, there is no shyness in fighting for policies that are blatantly Marxist in nature, says Philip Haney, a retired Homeland Security immigration officer.
“I call it obscene hubris. There’s nothing about it that’s constitutional,” Haney said. “It’s contrary, it’s counter-constitutional, and of course it’s anti-American sovereignty. That’s what it’s all about is sovereignty. If you’re going to start giving away our resources to a certain protected class, that is not constitutional. It’s a form of looting. No cops, no borders, just a free for all, inviting the world to come and take whatever you want.”
It’s also like a woman reminding people at a party that her boyfriend can bench press 350 pounds. Islam has a reputation for not being afraid to use violence to advance its agenda.
“By invoking Islam they add an element of fury, because they feel they should have all the world’s wealth already and we, America and the Western democracies, prevented them from getting it,” Haney said.
Leo Hohmann is a veteran journalist and author of the 2017 book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad.” If you appreciate this type of hard-hitting, factual and independent reporting, please consider a donation of any size to this website. We accept no advertising and are beholden to no one.
Socialism : We promise to steal all the money and then give you some. eas