Communiqués From The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

Communiqués From The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy is a great book.

When does the soul enter the human body? At birth? At conception? This is the only important question in the abortion debate.

Are human beings essentially spiritual in nature, as most, but not all, conservatives believe?

Or are humans (forget the “being” part) merely a collections of cells, as most, but not all socialists believe?

If you believe, as does Florida author Thomas C. Wigand, that man is spiritual in nature and that the soul enters the body at conception, then abortion is clearly wrong. Tom Wigand makes the case that few if any conservatives are making. That if man is spiritual in nature and that spirit enters the body the moment cells start replicating, then abortion must be immoral. Because at the moment of conception, we are no longer dealing with mere cells, part of a woman’s body, to be disposed of like hair or fingernail clippings, but a new autonomous spiritual being. Any anti-abortion argument that does not address the true nature of human life, will make no real headway.

Tom Wigand has written a great book. A book that deserves a lot more attention. Communiqués From The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy is available on Amazon and you should go there now and buy it. Also buy a copy for someone you know who can be swayed. A liberal niece, who has had a little too much indoctrination in her sociology classes. The “leaning conservative” friend, who needs a lot more philosophical ammunition to stiffen his spine, to make him a valuable soldier for our movement.

Tom Wigand’s Communiqués  cover so much ground. Everything from Alinskyism to abortion. “Crony capitalism” to communism. George Washington to George Soros. From the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution they bequeathed to us, to the connivers, cowards and traitors of both parties seeking to undermine it. Tom’s opus examines the forces working to bring America down. He gives much needed encouragement to those seeking to uplift this great nation and to restore the Constitution that is the “soul” of this nation. “Communiques” examines what is wrong with America and clearly and succinctly explains how to fix it.

Tom Wigand is a very astute political analyst, a constitutional scholar, an entertaining and witty writer, a philosopher and a patriot. Tom is what they used to call a “Renaissance man” –  a student of life, well grounded and versed in all that makes us Western. A student of politics, philosophy, science, culture and Theology.

This all shows through in the depth of his writing.

If you’re a conservative who loves good writing and a great argument, a searcher for deeper philosophical grounding, a patriot who wants to better your country, or even a socialist who wants to understand the conservative worldview, buy this book today.

I personally recommend it.


Author: Trevor

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