By: Lloyd Marcus
In Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fairy tale, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, two con men came to town. The Emperor loved clothes more than anything else. The con-men convinced the Emperor to pay them a huge amount of money to weave him an outfit made with a beautiful unique fabric. They pretended to be hard at work weaving. The con men said any government official who could not see the fabric was unworthy of their office. Anyone else who could not see the fabric was simple minded. On the big day of the unveiling, the Emperor paraded through the city in his new outfit. Fearful of being thought of as unworthy of their office or simple minded, everyone raved about the Emperor’s outfit; the perfect fit, the flow of the fabric and the beautiful colors. A little boy yelled, “The Emperor is naked.”
It is the 2015 ESPN Awards. The hall is filled with the best of the best in sports. “And, the winner of the 2015 Author Ashe Courage Award is Caitlyn Jenner!” The hall erupts with applause. Everyone knows they had better pretend this is wonderful or risk losing their job, branded simple minded and a hater. A little boy is overheard, “Mommy, why is Mr Jenner dressed like a lady?” No a child did not ask such a question, but it is exactly what most in that hall were thinking.
Like the supplicants in the fairy tale, Obama and his Leftist brethren intimidated Americans into not publicly stating obvious truths. Anyone quoting the Genesis view of marriage was toast; losing their job http://bit.ly/2lOQZgV; forced into mind altering therapy http://bit.ly/2myusUj; pastors thrown from their pulpits http://bit.ly/2lOVM29 and Christians jailed. http://bit.ly/2lOTcZG
We have been living in this bizarre-o world in which telling the truth is not tolerated. On the one hand we are told gay pride is beautiful. Obama ordered the military to celebrate gay pride. http://bit.ly/2nrHWyX Obama officially declared June LGBT month. http://bit.ly/2myrMGm Grade school kids are taught to celebrate gay pride. http://bit.ly/1uwREks Tens of thousands show up at gay pride parades. http://bit.ly/2mdGW0m
And yet, showing pictures of the triple X debauchery on display in our streets during the gay pride parade will land you in big trouble.
I thought, okay, if this is beautiful, why not feature a few pictures in my article of the routine behaviors in gay pride parades; naked men simulating copulating; two men in a giant penis costume. Readers of my article thought me rude and crude for using those pictures. Thousands of people, families with children witnessed these acts live. We’re told all who do not celebrate this behavior are simple minded and haters. Meanwhile, I caught heck for merely showing pictures of the wonderful event the federal government was mandating that Americans celebrate.
That is how the Left’s game is played. They (fake news media, democrats and Hollywood) paint a beautiful picture of their non-mainstream stance on an issue. Then, they bully us, attacking us as haters whenever we dare to tell the truth or show pictures.
Leftists celebrate abortion as a woman’s right even as late as the day of the baby’s birth. Meanwhile, they claim we hate women if we dare to tell the truth or show pictures. Leftist hate ultrasound and pictures confirming that it is a baby inside the mother. Fox News blocked Matt Drudge from posting a picture of a 21-week-old unborn child reaching its hand out of the womb during a rare operation. Drudge wanted to show its humanity. http://bit.ly/2mulNAU
Here are more abortion truths that drive Leftists up the wall. Planned Parenthood was founded by racist Margret Sanger to exterminate blacks. http://bit.ly/1jRrX5k PP still targets black neighborhoods. PP was caught chopping up and selling baby body parts for profit http://bit.ly/2lOXy3j; intact heads selling at a premium. http://bit.ly/1H7CzrT
Partial birth abortion http://bit.ly/1TQAslN is when the abortionist delivers the entire body except for the baby’s head. The abortionist inserts scissors into the back of the baby’s head to kill it. I realize that sounds horrible folks, but it is the truth. Leftists help PP hide these repulsive truths from the masses. If the public saw it, they would be sick and outraged. Over the years, I have noticed that rabid pro-abortion Leftists are outraged whenever someone harms a puppy.
As I said, Leftists are angered by any image confirming that the mother is carrying a baby. Doritos caught heck from Leftists for their Superbowl ad which featured a fetus in ultrasound imaging reacting to its father eating Doritos. http://bit.ly/2mu4EaA Leftists hate ultrasound because when mothers see the truth that its a baby rather than an “unviable tissue mass”, they usually choose life.
Then, there is the black thing. Leftists say you had better not tell the truth about why blacks are suffering in cities controlled by democrats http://bit.ly/2bFUj4T; generational poverty; epidemic school dropouts; high out of wedlock births, over 70% fatherless households; high unemployment and record-breaking black-on-black crime.
All this black suffering is the result of Democrats pardoning blacks of all personal responsibility for their lives. Democrats claim all issues plaguing blacks are the fault of white racist America. This Leftist poisonous lie robs blacks of their personal power by placing their success or failure in the hands of someone other than themselves. Leftists hate this truth. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it! Period.
Despicably, Leftists lie claiming cops routinely murder blacks. The truth is blacks are killing each other to the tune of 20, 30 and 40 every weekend in cities like Chicago and Baltimore http://bit.ly/1LFSb6D, controlled by democrats for decades.
But Leftists forbid us from telling the truth about black lives. Doesn’t common sense suggest that if Leftists truly cared about black lives, they would relish an honest discussion? Leftists high-tech crucified white TV commentator Bill O’Reilly for compassionately daring to address the real reasons why blacks are suffering. http://bit.ly/2mdGlvz For years, I am routinely excoriated, called an Uncle Tom and a traitor to my race for simply stating truths; petitioning blacks to assume responsibility which equals real black empowerment.
Since Trump’s election, I sense a new positive vibe rapidly spreading across America. I believe Americans are feeling free to speak truth again.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”
Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist