By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Right Wing News
This is a clear example of why I supported and still do, Senator Ted Cruz. He held nothing back and lambasted both Barack Obama and John Kerry as shameful bitter clingers that betrayed Israel and stabbed her in the back, ambushing her at the UN like the cowards they are. Obama’s legacy will be one of treasonous diplomatic terrorism against Israel.
From Obama’s beginning, he has done his level evil best to destroy every underpinning that the principles of America have been set on. He has opened up a monstrous sinkhole of chaos underneath the very foundation of this country and has done a great job at trying to drop us into that abyss. Israel is our oldest and most steadfast ally. We share many things in common and both our countries have been a force for good in this world. Obama wants to destroy both Israel and the US. He is weakening Israel, so the Arab jackal states surrounding her can tear her to shreds. That will never happen and President-elect Donald Trump will stop much of this when he comes into office in just three weeks. Israel said this morning that they have waited 3,000 years… they can wait 30 more days and Trump is telling them to hold on, he’s coming.
From the US Senate/Ted Cruz:
“Like bitter clingers, President Obama and Secretary Kerry are spending every last minute of this administration wreaking havoc domestically and abroad. With their last breath in office, they have struck at Israel, through the United Nations and through today’s disgraceful speech.
“These acts are shameful. They are designed to secure a legacy, and indeed they have: history will record and the world will fully understand Obama and Kerry as relentless enemies of Israel. Their actions were designed to weaken and marginalize Israel, and to embolden its enemies.
“Today’s speech — like Kerry’s 2014 remarks likening Israel to an apartheid state — will enflame rising anti-Semitism in Europe. It will encourage the mullahs who hate Israel and hate America. And it will facilitate ‘law-fare,’ growing legal assaults on Israel through transnational legal fora.
“Kerry’s speech drew a stunning moral equivalence between our great ally Israel and the Palestinian Authority, currently formed in a ‘unity’ government with the vicious terrorists of Hamas. Secretary Kerry declared the Hamas regime in Gaza ‘radical,’ in the same way he declared the duly-elected government of Israel ‘extreme.’ He declared vicious terrorism sponsored by Hamas equal to Israeli settlements in West Bank. And he equated Israel’s celebration of its birth with the Palestinian description of this event as the ‘disaster.’ His speech attempted to lay out an historic and seismic shift towards the delegitimization of our ally, Israel, and the further empowerment of the Palestinian Authority.
“Kerry’s central conclusion, that ‘Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, it cannot be both’ is an inanity that passes as profound only in Ivory Tower faculty lounges. There are roughly 50 majority-Muslim countries in the world. There is one — only one — Jewish state. And yet, for Kerry and Obama, that is too much. The Israeli Knesset has 17 elected Arab members. It has Muslim members and Christian members. In contrast, one searches in vain for Muslim countries that have elected Jewish representatives.
“It is a sign of their radicalism and refusal to defend American interests, that Obama and Kerry choose to attack the only inclusive democracy in the Middle East — a strong, steadfast ally of America — while turning a blind eye to the Islamic terrorism that grows daily.
“America is an unshakable friend of Israel, and we are horrified at what has transpired this week.
“I believe Obama’s and Kerry’s shameful conduct will backfire. That it will be short-lived, and will inspire a bipartisan repudiation of their radical anti-Israel agenda.
“All Americans who understand the value of the U.S.-Israel alliance must immediately and unequivocally reject their false and dangerous narrative, and reassert our fundamental commitment to Israel’s security. Thankfully, Congress and the incoming administration can and I hope will take decisive action to intercept the administration’s final and desperate Hail Mary, and that should begin with eliminating U.S. funding to the U.N., unless and until this disgraceful resolution is reversed.
“I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle as well as the incoming administration to chart a new path forward based on America’s national security interests and clear-eyed reality, not on the Obama administration’s globalist agenda and wishful thinking.”
Obama, Kerry, Biden and others plotted this betrayal well in advance of the UN convening. Israel has a ton of proof of it and it will come out, I have no doubt of that. Kerry’s speech yesterday was the most shameful display of betrayal of an ally that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime, it was a sheer gift to the Islamists. I agree with Cruz, this will backfire on Obama and will strengthen support of Israel here in the US. I think it will also cause a major reassessment of the UN, with defunding and possibly withdrawal from their ranks altogether.
The “moral equivalence” that Palestine-defenders like John Kerry use to bludgeon Israel with while ignoring the evil pressed against them on all sides by Islamists who want to annihilate them is simply jaw dropping. This brazen (but inevitable) betrayal of Israel is the most shameful act to come from Obama in a long series of shameful acts. For eight long years, Obama has treated Israel like dirt, but that is about to change.
Ted Cruz said this when the resolution was first passed: “Every Obama foreign policy official should be ashamed of today’s U.N. resolution, and any official who disagrees with or hopes to avoid the anti-Israel legacy of this administration should resign on principle today.” That’s exactly right. The US should expel Palestinian diplomats and immediately cut off funding to the UN. We should also scale back ties with foreign nations that voted in favor of the controversial measure. A full investigation should be launched into the actions of Barack Obama, John Kerry and others over this horrific move.
With a Trump administration in place, we need to take a forceful stand against any and all that try to deligitimize Israel. Our response should be swift and forceful and it should be made clear that ANYONE out there that tries to attack the Jewish State will need to answer to the United States.
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