It appears that Trump supporters who have rallied behind Larry Wayne Lindsey have been schlonged.
Lindsey became an overnight sensation after the Trump Report Drudge Report highlighted a video of the wannabe Trump delegate burning his Republican party registration after pro-Cruz political insiders cast him aside. The trouble with Larry’s story is that it is a big fat lie.
Larry did not attend the county caucus, which is where he needed to go in order to get elected as a delegate to the state convention.
Crista Huff, a Republican activist in Colorado writes:
“On Saturday, April 9, 2016, a man named Larry from Douglas County, CO slandered Douglas County (CO) Republicans on Facebook. In that Facebook post, Larry claimed that he went to his neighborhood caucus meeting on March 1st, at which a precinct captain named Jan Morgan had threatened him about being a Trump supporter, with the implication that Trump supporters would not be allowed to be delegates to the April 9th State Republican Assembly.”
After some digging, Crista “learned that this ‘Jan Morgan’ person is not a precinct person in District 3, and might not exist at all…” She writes,
“On Sunday, April 10th, quite a variety of Douglas County caucus attendees, delegates, and Republican Party volunteers were interviewed, to determine exactly what took place. The paper trail was examined, from Larry’s caucus meeting, and from the Douglas County Assembly. None of the gentleman’s story holds water…”
As reported at the Federalist:
“…according to a series of conversations with party officials, while Lindsey did show up to his precinct caucus and was elected as a delegate to the county assembly, he never showed up to the county assembly, or, at the very least, never signed in for his credentials. On Facebook, he erroneously claimed he’d been elected as a delegate to the state assembly from his precinct caucus, something that is not possible under the rules in Douglas County.”
NBC News actually reported that Larry was shut out likely due to his own “lack of familiarity with the process.”
“But a sign-in sheet from his county’s March 19 assembly, the second step of the process where delegates were elected to the statewide assembly, reveals that Lindsey never showed up to that meeting, and an alternate signed in for him instead.”
And when confronted with the fact that he did not attend the correct meeting, Larry Wayne Lindsey, who regularly posts Prntly articles headlining Ted Cruz’s alleged sexual exploits and supposed ineligibility, “admits he may have missed a meeting,” but following in the footsteps of his dear leader, shockingly blames one of the “many Cruz supporters who deliberately tried to mislead him on several occasions, including on dates and times of meetings.”
And perhaps Larry forgot that he did not attend the County Caucus, which he admitted to NBC that he “may have missed,” because he explicitly says on Facebook:
I attended the Douglas County Assembly, and then the County Caucus and was elected as a delegate.
Larry seems to be enjoying the spotlight, as he posted on Facebook:
“…I am going to be interviewed this afternoon by NBC News (national), tomorrow morning by MSNBC (national), and tomorrow afternoon, live on Fox New’s Varney and Company. And there are a slew of local radio talk shows, local TV news and national blogs who are wanting interviews with me!
Not sure how I am going to be able to fit everyone in, but I am going to try!
Colorado GOP, you started this, now I am going to finish it!”
Further, Lindsey got a personal call from Donald Trump.
I just got a call from Donald Trump, himself! What an amazing and gracious man, to take time out of his busy day, to call and thank me! Thank you, Mr. Trump! God bless you!
Posted by Larry Wayne Lindsey on Monday, April 11, 2016
The story is unfortunate, but this situation is clearly Larry’s own fault, just like Trump’s inability to grab delegates is his own fault. As noted by political writer Ari Armstrong, some Trump supporters are not happy with the Colorado GOP.
Numerous Colorado Republicans received death threats today for participating in a caucus system around since 1912. Stay classy Trumpists.
— Ari Armstrong (@ariarmstrong) April 12, 2016
Spoke to dozens of Trump supporters this weekend, listened to his surrogate speak twice, not 1 person complained abt process until he lost.
— Cory Gardner (@CoryGardner) April 12, 2016
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Mr. Lindsey is a typical Trump supporter. Who in their right mind would say something about a candidate on the order of what he said? “I just got a call from Donald Trump, himself! What an amazing and gracious man, to take time out of his busy day, to call and thank me! Thank you, Mr. Trump! God bless you!” What this man doesn’t understand is one moment later, after being used, he’ll be thrown under the bus in a New York second.
Voting/election process must be transparent and clean as possible to represent people of Colorado (GOP members). The “representative democracy” is based on certain concepts and principals. If you want to live in the USSR instead continue doing things like that. Clearly 34 – 0 result does NOT in any way represent people’ opinion of Colorado. This is a classic definition of corrupted system.
Actually, each state has it’s own rules by design. The founding fathers were not stupid for pushing for state sovereignty. The people who are engaged – the ones who go door-knocking, phone-banking, represent their neighborhoods in thankless, demanding precinct committee positions – THOSE are the people that work on these rules. The informed, the vigilant. If you are apathetic and not involved, whose fault is that?
What “door knocking” in this case? The Colorado GOP election was cancelled and rules changed in October, 2015. People are ignored in Colorado process and system in this state is crooked. GOP “leaders” in Colorado did everything in their power to serve their agenda and NOT people living in the state. I am not a Trump supporter. Please do not try to lecture me on democracy…I know wrong things when I see them. About me…English is my third language. I was born in the USSR…actively participated in the anti-communism movement fighting for democracy in Russia…left country…lived and worked in China, Eastern and Western Europe before coming to the USA. Best,
The door knockers are the same people that are involved in these processes.
“People are ignored in Colorado process and system in this state is crooked.” How insulting to the people who work hard while others benefit from their vigilance.
“Door knocker”, I appreciate your response.
Larry on Fox today:
“My vote goes wherever Trump goes”
Nice hard-hitting interview there. Larry contradicted himself on being at the caucus and mentioned a name (Jan Morgan) that nobody seems to know. But don’t ask about that. What happened to journalism?
Fair and balanced, too. What a shame that Fox would not give airtime to any of the actual GOP members in Colorado.
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Granted, this gentleman is getting up in age and maybe he’s forgotten some of the process, regardless, since when have “news” articles focused more on bashing political parties rather than the story itself? Oh wait, my bad. It sickens me the opinions writers are placing in their stories I.e “just like Trumps inability to grab delegates is his own fault.”.. News is supposed to be non biased. I’m more infuriated with the bashing of Trump supporters in this read than the actual situation at hand. GROW UP YOU SIMPLE MINDED MEDIA ENTHUSIASTS. Stop acting like kindergartners!!
“Granted, this gentleman is getting up in age and maybe he’s forgotten some of the process…” I will give him the extreme benefit of the doubt and say that he has lost his marbles. Who is “Jan Morgan” and why did he say on FB that he was at the “County Caucus and was elected as a delegate.” How could he have forgotten that not only was he not elected, he did not attend the meeting? As far as your problem with this commentary: “just like Trumps inability to grab delegates is his own fault.” It WAS Trump’s own fault.
I’m certainly proud that you can cite specific incidences when the author of this article cannot
So Ted Cruz, who told voters in IOWA falsely that Carson had dropped out and stole all the Colorado delegates couldn’t possibly have misled him and many other Trump supporters? Thats like saying the mafia is above reproach. Laughable.
CNN, actually, told voters that Carson was suspending his campaign.
And Cruz’s campaign took it to far greater limits. Then Cruz “apologized” while the lies and innuendos continued on in SC.
Helloooo, McFly….
The Rubio and Trump campaigns were both in on this, as well. Once CNN announced it, the Trump campaign tweeted it out, but didn’t use it to gain more votes, because they didn’t realize that as with any other caucus, that it’s perfectly legal. Joni Ernst used the same method of gaining votes in Iowa, back in 2014. Rubio’s campaign was the first to use it, but Trump wasn’t as threatened by Rubio as he is by Cruz, because Cruz is right behind him (whereas Rubio was only receiving 10% of the vote on the average). So it didn’t matter as much that Rubio was using the announcement of Carson leaving the race to his advantage. But the Cruz campaign didn’t find out about it, until 24 hours after both the Trump and Rubio campaigns tweeted the story. There was nothing “dirty” about it. What IS dirty, though, is that Trump has bribed Carson to endorse him, offering him a position on his cabinet, if he wins….and even though he said some horrible things about Carson! Who in their right mind would endorse a freak like Trump (who’s got HUGE problems with women), after he’s called him a sociopath and a pedophile? What a mental case Trump himself has to be, in order to lie pathologically about people and then, turn around and do the everything that he’s accused his opponents of? And the way he’s talked about his own daughter when she was young, is what makes HIM look like he was a pedophile at one point.
Does anyone even care? Cruz with his whiney voice and creepy mannerisms cannot beat the left. I believe the intention is to give the White House to that no good scumbag Clinton!
So, this article is about Larry Wayne Lindsey.
But since you brought it up, Cruz is the only conservative in the race, he would dismantle the government (Trump is BIG government) and poll after poll after poll shows that Trump loses to Hillary:
Not buying it. Cruz has been in the Senate for years now, and he hasn’t dismantled a single thing.
Jeff Sessions credited him with stopping the Gang of 8. Does that count? Donald Trump, of course, was sending them all money.
But Jeff Sessions then went on to endorse Trump.
One man working alone against big government Dems and RINOS can’t do a whole lot. He needs back up from true conservatives and they are few and far between
Amen, Nancy.
Not familiar with the process? He has been a delegate for years and he has video showing him there and witness’s even say he was turned away and why. Was even threatened before hand. Glad you only look at on sided stories all because you cant stand trump to be elected…well, he will be and this crap wont happen in Indiana… trump wins Indiana for sure!
Seriously? This fraud himself said he “might have missed a meeting” to NBC news. So if what you said is true, then this man is not only a liar but delusional. Wow. As for Indiana….. my crystal ball says trump doesn’t win, we’ll see.
He said he was called and told he didnt have to attend that meeting. Didnt you read his statement? This is a typical dirty political trick.
“he has video showing him there”
Is this the one you mean?:
I saw the video – it is from April 9.
Larry needed to be at the County Caucus, which he admitted to NBC that he “may have missed.” From the NBC article and quoted above:
“But a sign-in sheet from his county’s March 19 assembly, the second step of the process where delegates were elected to the statewide assembly, reveals that Lindsey never showed up to that meeting, and an alternate signed in for him instead.”
BS..this video dont lie..He was turned away!!..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDzMexGSp-k
Perhaps try reading the article.
He hasn’t been a delegate for many years. It’s his first time. He’s been a registered Republican for many years. The video he posted is of the state convention, not the MANDATORY March 19th county assembly. It’s my belief that he genuinely didn’t know the process, and his actions are not one of malice. But at this point, he’s taken it too far. Because of his media appearances, and what he’s posting online; he can be sued for libel and slander.
BS he was turned away..video dont lie!!..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDzMexGSp-k
I didn’t stutter. But since you’re having a hard time keeping up, I’ll repeat what I already said. That video is at the state convention. He was turned away at the state convention, because he didn’t attend the mandatory March 19th county assembly that HE HAD TO ATTEND IN ORDER TO BE VOTED FOR TO MOVE ON TO STATE.
It’s not phucking rocket science. He was a no show for a mandatory meeting, and that’s why he was not on the delegate list for state. Quit making a fool out of yourself.
Correct, Rebecca.
He said he was called and told he didnt have to attend that March 19th county assembly meeting. Didnt you read his statement?
not to hard with all this cheating and all ( ben carson does that ring a bell?, volter violation card does that ring a bell?)
that some one called him that he didnt need to come its not hard to belive they would do / stup to that low
i have no dout they would do that it’s easy from cruz’s gang/crew
do make a phone call ,
they have no moral’s (remind again Ben carson /and the voter violation)
After gaining widespread notoriety and heaps of lucrative offers with his bogus claims, not to mention a personal phone call from the Golden Boy himself- Donald Trump, Larry has announced he’s taking it to the next level by making a sex tape(!). Check his FB page frequently for updates.
“Larry Lindsey has become an overnight sensation in Colorado, thanks to “selfie” videos of his experience with the Colorado Republican state convention, and links from the Drudge Report.
Specifically, Mr. Lindsey has accused the state GOP of barring him from the state convention because he was a Trump supporter.
However, Complete Colorado has searched the Facebook archives of Mr. Lindsey, and his post on Super Tuesday — the original caucus date at the precinct level of March 1 — raises new questions of whether Mr. Lindsey fully understood the entire process of electing delegates to the national GOP convention, at least via the process in place in Colorado.”
“But apparently, for some Trump supporters, my experience participating in the caucus process is no match for a Drudge headline claiming it never happened. As of the evening of April 10, Drudge claimed on its main page, “Fury as Colorado has no primary or caucus; Cruz celebrates voterless victory.”