By: Cliff Kincaid
Accuracy in Media
The liberals were quick to blame conservative Christians, Republicans, and others on the right for the carnage in the Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic. It turns out the killer was a paranoid pothead who probably moved to Colorado because it offered him plenty of legal weed. The murders were just the latest example of President Obama’s pro-pot policies causing “active shooter” cases in which innocent people get maimed and killed.
While “progressives” hope to capitalize on the killings by stopping investigations into Planned Parenthood, the case of Robert Lewis Dear has backfired on them in more ways than one. Dear, who looks stoned out of his mind in his mugshot, looks like another case of a cold-blooded killer whose actions may be attributed to his heavy use of a substance that many progressives deem harmless and safe.
It’s time for the major media to quit making jokes about marijuana and instead examine its harmful and deadly effects.
Accuracy in Media has been virtually alone over the last several years inuncovering and publicizing evidence of a marijuana connection to several high-profile acts of crime and terrorism, including the Boston Marathon bombings. Our column, “Can Marijuana Fuel Jihad?,” looked at how the Russian terrorists in Boston were members of a marijuana smuggling ring.
While President Obama blames easy access to guns for these acts of madness and death, it appears that easy access to high-potency marijuana is really to blame in the Colorado case. Marijuana is legal in Colorado, which passed a marijuana legalization measure on the state level in 2012, thanks to “progressive” groups funded by pro-drug billionaire George Soros.
Under Obama, a heavy marijuana user in his youth, the Justice Department has refused to enforce federal laws and treaties against the use and cultivation of marijuana. So the Colorado legalization “experiment” has continued.
Hence, Obama’s pro-pot policies may have cost the lives of those in the Planned Parenthood clinic. No wonder Obama wants to blame guns.
Obama was a member of the Choom Gang, a group of heavy marijuana users. Speculation has mounted that Robert Lewis Dear was on “Obama choom,” as it’s known on the street, or “speed weed,” a high potency form of marijuana perhaps mixed with other drugs.
Soros-funded groups like the Drug Policy Alliance proudly point to tax revenue generated by legal pot sales in Colorado, while ignoring the toll the drug has taken on the mental health of young people and the rising number of marijuana-induced violent episodes.
In 2014, a college student jumped to his death in Colorado after ingesting pot, while a Denver man, Richard Kirk, killed his wife with a gunshot to her head after using marijuana. Kirk is blaming the marijuana for his “delirium and psychotic-like symptoms.”
In a more recent Colorado case, a mentally-disturbed man, Noah Harpham, killed three people during a series of random killings on the streets of Colorado Springs on October 31. He was in the habit of smoking pot for breakfast, according to his mother. In a video, he had accused his father of belonging to a religious cult.
Anti-drug activist Dee Rathbone told Accuracy in Media, “News that this Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter, Robert Lewis Dear, was a marijuana freak just adds to the many other documented cases where the mass shooter was a confirmed pot user. The government officials won’t do a hair drug test on the mass shooters to show what they had been using—nor will the media call for it to be done—for fear it might confirm the involvement of high-test violence-inducing pot and jeopardize their sacred cow of marijuana.”
Dear had a 5-acre lot near the sparsely populated mountain town of Hartsel, “where a few of his neighbors grow marijuana and boast solitary lifestyles,” notedThe Denver Post.
In addition to his need for pot, The New York Times reported that Dear posted an online personal ad seeking women in North Carolina interested in bondage and sadomasochistic sex, and sought companions in the Asheville, North Carolina area “with whom he could smoke marijuana.” That was before he moved to Colorado.
Dear was also a visitor to a marijuana website, Cannabis.com, where he offered his views about AIDS, hurricanes, and the religious “end times”—views that reflect the rantings of a paranoid mind heavily influenced by marijuana.
Dr. Christine Miller tells Accuracy in Media, “The scientific literature is clear on the connection between marijuana and violence, from the large review by Seena Fazel and colleagues in 2009 showing the effect of any recreational drug, including marijuana, to increase violent tendencies in those who are already psychotic, to the growing data on marijuana increasing the risk of interpersonal violence in those who are otherwise normal to begin with.”
Miller is a semi-retired molecular neuroscientist living in Maryland who volunteers her time for Project SAM (www.learnaboutSAM.org) by educating the public about the science on marijuana’s mental health impacts.
Although the popular media misconception is that marijuana causes people to “mellow” and become harmless and lazy, Miller said evidence shows that it can “trigger psychotic thinking,” including the belief that one is being surrounded or confronted by hostile people. “A case in point was the defendant in the American Sniper trial, pot-smoking Eddie Routh, who perceived that Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield were hostile towards him, and thinking they meant to do him harm, he shot them first,” Miller said.
She urged federal and local authorities to do more to examine the influence of marijuana in acts of violence.
“With so very many news reports of random killings where the motive is totally unclear, and where the killer was a heavy marijuana user, the time has come for our Federal Bureau of Investigation to develop a profile on this type of crime and to release their findings to the public,” she said. “In a sense I think they are missing in action, AWOL if you will, at a time that is crucial to the development of an informed public on this topic. I realize that they are charged with fighting terror on many fronts, but they should recognize this type of crime brings its own special kind of terror, even more random and less predictable that that perpetrated by those with extremist ideologies.”
Dee Rathbone said that “spineless government officials don’t want to know” about the marijuana link to mass murder “because then they would have to listen to us endangered citizens and do something to stop the pro-pot legalization madness sweeping the nation today.”
He added, “It’s the law that they test all alcohol-related driving tragedies for presence of alcohol. Therefore, under that precedent we should demand enactment of a federal law to require hair drug testing of all violent offenders to evaluate their level of intoxication and the specific intoxicant used. Without such definitive high technology hair drug testing, government officials and mainstream media can continue to use their feigned ignorance and blame the usual suspects.”
Here the intellectually dishonest Cliff Kincaid goes again–I was recently wondering how long it would be until he wrote another article of this sort. Pot head–how come Cliff never refers to alcohol users as alcohol heads? Neither term is, accurate or honest–its just a dishonest meas to demonize people who have an involvement with cannabis. This wicked man from NC did not commit his murderous crimes because of any cannabis use–but rather because he is a Godless man who was raised badly. Cliff Kincaid has repeatedly lied about cannabis and cannabis users for years–he is obviously right wing establishment–not a genuine conservative. Kincaid often cherry picks data to promote his anti cannabis agenda–he lies and distorts the truth, without concern for the factual truth–apparently Kincaid believes the end justifies the means–and the end for Kincaid is to demonize cannabis and those who are involved with it–destroying them both. He won’t succeed. Nothing Kincaid writes or says on the cannabis issue should be taken as the factual truth. Not one word about all the violence in connection with alcohol use–because alcohol is not his agenda. {He is most likely an alcohol user himself–if so, he is the typical drug user hypocrite.}