Eleanor LeCain is a Yale and Boalt Hall Massachusetts based specialist in “developing and implementing innovative policies that support sustainable development.”
Ms. LeCain led a team at Boston Edison to develop next generation energy efficiency programs (for all commercial, industrial and residential customers). She served as Massachusetts Assistant Secretary of State for Strategic Planning and previously as Executive Director of Blueprint 2000 for the state of Massachusetts.
Ms. LeCain has spoken widely on “Creating Jobs and Making Money While Healing the Planet,” including Kyoto, Japan, Harvard University, the International Association of Outplacement Counselors and Chattanooga, Tennessee. Her writings have been published in the New York Times, the Boston Business Journal and Positive Alternatives, to name a few.
In 1989, Eleanor LeCainserved on the Board of Directors of Women for a Meaningful Summit, a communist led conduit for Soviet “peace propaganda” to the West.
In 1993 LeCain was listed as a among “former Visiting Fellows and Visiting Scholars and current TransNational Institute Fellows” on the far left Institute for Policy Studies 30th Anniversary brochure.
In 1993, Eleanor LeCain wrote an obituary of German activist Petra Kelly for DSA’sDemocratic Left Jan./Feb. 1993 issue.
Boston Democratic Socialists of America presents awards annually in memory of Eugene V. Debs, Norman Thomas, Julius Bernstein and Michael Harrington.
The Awards Committee in 2001 consisted of:
Doug Butler, Kathy Casavant, Jack Clark, Harris Gruman, Julie Johnson, Eleanor LeCain, Marcia Peters, Mike Prokosch, Bruce Raynor, Bob Ross and Rep.Frank I. Smizik.
The Awards Committee in 2002 consisted of:
Barbara Ackerman, Doug Butler, Kathy Casavant, DSA Executive Board, Harris Gruman,Julie Johnson, Eleanor LeCain, Rep. Jim Marzilli, Judy Meredith, Marcia Peters, Ald.Denise Provost, Rep. Byron Rushing, Rep. Frank I. Smizik and Jim St. George
On June 12, 2001, Boston Democratic Socialists of America presented its annual award to “leaders who fight for democracy, here at home and around the world.” Ed Clark andDessima Williams received the Debs-Thomas-Bernstein Award; John Maher Leaders for Social Democracy at Home and Abroad: Ed Clark, Dessima Williams, John Maherreceived the Michael Harrington Lifetime Achievement Award. The reception took place at the home of Marcia Peters and David Karaus in Jamaica Plain.[1]
“Thanks to all who helped make this event a success, including Kathy Casavant of the AFL-CIO, Harris Gruman of Boston DSA, and civic activist Eleanor LeCain for their eloquent introductions of the awardees.”
The 2010 Debs-Thomas-Bernstein Awards, sponsored by Boston Democratic Socialists of America, took place Tuesday, June 13, 6:30—8:30 P.M., at the Jamaica plain home of environmentalist Marcia Peters and David Karaus.
2010 honorees were “two champions of social justice and grassroots democracy:Georgia Hollister Isman and Jack Clark.” Honorary Co-Chairs for the event were MA AFL-CIO President Robert Haynes and State Senator Patricia Jehlen (D-Somerville), with special guest Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz (D-Boston).
Others who attended or sponsored the event included Rep. Frank Smizik, Somerville Alderman Rebekah Gewirtz and recently elected President of the Washington, DC chapter of Red Sox Nation Eleanor LeCain, “our perennial MC, Julie Johnson“, Mike Schippani (UAW-Detroit); Shaw’s striker Juan Garcia and UFCW staffer Heysoll Rodriguez.[2]
According to Eleanor LeCain, writing in the The Yankee Radical, a “true progressive is running for state representative” in Boston/Cambridge — Jay Livingstone — in a special election being held on Tuesday, May 28th, 2013.
- Livingstone is an experienced community leader with a proven record of hard work in advancing progressive ideals—let’s help him win by making some phone calls now, and helping on Election Day, May 28th.
A Massachusetts native, Livingstone teaches at Northeastern University and operates his own law practice, standing up against employer discrimination. He has been a key organizer in the campaigns of Rep. Ed Markey, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Gov. Deval Patrick. As a “State Rep. Jay will work hard for quality, affordable public education; increased funding for at-risk youth, the disabled and the elderly; improved public transportation; and sensible development that works for small businesses and preserves the quality of neighborhood life.”
He has been endorsed by Marty Walz and Paul Demakis, the two state reps who recently held this seat, the Boston Ward 5 Democratic Committee, Mass Alliance,Progressive Massachusetts, Massachusetts Peace Action, the Sierra Club, the ten Boston locals of AFSCME, the National Organization for Women (Mass NOW),Progressive Democrats of Massachusetts and Boston Democratic Socialists of America — among many others.